Playlist: Solo Mujeres
Perdóname, but Selena sometimes just doesn’t cut it.
Perdóname, but Selena sometimes just doesn’t cut it.
We’re all striving for something — and that’s actually totally okay.
It’s peak Pumpkin Spice Latte season but early forecasts predict Polar Vortex 2: Electric Boogaloo and the time to address seasonal dry skin issues is now, not the middle of December when your car is buried under five feet of snow and your plans for the day are “huddle in a ball and hate everything.”
Hey girl, I heard you’re into Renee Montoya.
From vampires to their slayers, Buffy‘s got you covered.
With lots of amazing cosplay photos. Because, seriously, wow.
Sara Medd is a woman on a mission. That mission is to help you find all of the androgynous and otherwise gender-neutral garb you’ve been looking for all your life.
This is simultaneously one of the most informative and inspirational books I’ve read in a long time.It’s like a primer for how to be an effective artist or community worker.
Half the nation now lets same-sex couples marry, thanks to some Supreme Court shenanigans.
Being quiet in bed, an intro to kink, setting boundaries and more.
“Genre stories tell us that we can make a better world, that we can stand up for ourselves and for each other.”
Are you married yet? Either way, I bet I’ve got a thing or two in this here roundup of good gay news to cheer you right up.
Due to the fact that Arizona and Callie are stuck with Another Baby as their storyline, liberties were taken to spice up this week’s recap. You’re welcome, America.
Some fitness apps suck a potato. Here’s one that doesn’t.
“I don’t celebrate Christmas. Or Thanksgiving. Or Easter. I only celebrate Halloween. It’s all I’ve got.”
Vintage inspired, cheeky and plain ol’ fun, get set for a dapper femme tux set (jacket + trousers) and the sweetest pink frock I ever did see outside of a 1950’s prom.
This week, something came over me and I clicked “Play” on Gilmore Girls and I probably should have seen it as a call for help, but I didn’t, and now, here I am. JOIN ME! COME IN! TELL ME YOUR LIFE.
At one point Cameron characterizes Chicago as optimistic and Portland as specific and “Same Sex Symbol” perfectly embodies both of those things.
In which a number of plans go awry.
Topics include the US post office, football, the plane that fell from the sky, racism in Canada, fact-checking, Manhattan and moar!