Jury Duty For (Anti-Racist) Dummies
If anything good is going to come out of this jury duty business, maybe it’s that I’m about to kick my ass into gear.
If anything good is going to come out of this jury duty business, maybe it’s that I’m about to kick my ass into gear.
This is not as rewarding as that “spice up your marriage” advice columnist promised it would be.
Because Serial isn’t long enough yet.
Guess who’s back!
As we honor the memory of those girls who have been murdered, ask how you’re helping the living.
While the indictment of Wilson is a powder keg issue that could incite riots, it’s not the only end goal of these massive protests. With that said, one way to ensure that the protests will remain peaceful is to put away the military-grade weaponry and indict Darren Wilson: “No Justice, No Peace.”
What better way to pay homage to the demise of dELiA*s than by making me scan an entire 1998 catalog that my friend Loren wrote all over?
“Farm work was everything my depressive body was screaming against: sunlight, physical activity, and tiny symbols of the fragility of life all around that I couldn’t remember how to value.”
Yes, Papi. Really.
Leslie Feinberg died at home in Syracuse, NY, with hir partner and spouse of 22 years, Minnie Bruce Pratt, at hir side. Hir last words were: “Remember me as a revolutionary communist.”
We’ve got everything from the things you feed that cousin who always shows up at 9 am to the crazy delicious desserts that will make you forget all that wheat your body hates.
This issue is jam-packed full of vitamins and minerals to help you grow big and strong, so don’t worry about eating your vegetables today.
Just because 99.9% of their relationship happened in my own imagination doesn’t mean it wasn’t real.
It was a pretty lame week for queer women on TV, but at least Kalinda and Lana were naked most of the time.
Holiday breakups, sex ed protests, knowing what you want, when what you want is a vibrator shaped like someone’s head, and more.
Oh, also, a baby reindeer.
GamerGate is about shitting all over women; let’s feel nauseous about it together.
“What the heck is that spider doing?”
Brittana and Faberry and Quinntana, oh my!
How can you be there for your partner during Deathiversary season when they cope with hard times by retreating inward/not talking? Read our advice and help out with your own!