Get Baked: Incredibly Easy Spiced Mulled Wine
This is a guide for people who like to drink fancypants alcohol in the winter, but don’t actually like to put pants on. (So, probably all of you.)
This is a guide for people who like to drink fancypants alcohol in the winter, but don’t actually like to put pants on. (So, probably all of you.)
You know when you were bored in middle school math and you just pressed +1 on a calculator for half an hour? Have I got a game for you!
Shampoo bars, a life-changing clay mask, and a bunch of things to make your skin shiny and glowing like a spaceship.
Did you know some people make entire Facebook albums about their adventures at Applebee’s?
I bet that last person on your list would like monthly deliveries of geek stuff, indie foods, organic snacks, beauty products, dapper accessories, fresh produce, neckties or A+!
This issue we have a snowflake contest, an ABC Family movie you’ll remember all year ’round, we’re continuing our Gay-dventure saga AND SO MUCH MORE.
I hope this accumulation of caper recipes will ignite or otherwise invigorate your love for capers, or at the very least give you an excuse to make a lot of detective puns in the kitchen.
We told some really incredible stories this year and you won’t want to miss a thing.
“While it is definitely tragic we still have to march, there is something beautiful and hopeful about the fact that I am fighting for [my mom’s] freedom as much as mine, and we’re both out here so that my nephew, who just turned one, hopefully won’t have to march when he grows up.”
Same-sex couples are statistically proven to be bonded for life, an otter finds home for the first time, and a bunch of UK queers upgrade their love in this week’s good news roundup.
Feminist porn, unnecessary sex ed outrage, masturbation and more.
“I can only do so much in a made-up life.”
This little guy holds four tea bags so that your tea-aficionado friend is never stuck drinking boring-but-ubiquitous Lipton.
While data is technically — partially — protected from search by the Fourth Amendment, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that our right to privacy is not always honored by law enforcement.
Clip art mourning, T. Swift-shipping, and a mug of male tears
Also, Jane the Virgin introduced a lesbian subplot we’ve never seen before.
Topics include the last trailer park in Palo Alto, unarmed POC killed by police, black twitter, teenage YouTube stars, digital beauty in Hollywood and more!
What do you do to get ready for all the stuff you have to do? What are you doing tonight? Let’s hang out.
In this latest issue, not only do the writers play with some very dangerous transmisogynistic tropes, but they toss Barbara Gordon’s character development out the window and turn her from being the close friend and ally to a trans woman to an outright transphobe.
If all you want for Christmas is a little Karmy action, Santa has arrived early!