Drawn to Comics: Lumberjanes #9 Has Spookiness to the Max!
If you were on the fence about buying it, the credits page calls the issue “a flippin’ sweet Susan B. Anth-ology.”
If you were on the fence about buying it, the credits page calls the issue “a flippin’ sweet Susan B. Anth-ology.”
“As a white woman, you may not understand this but the simple act of getting up and being in the public eye and proclaiming your transness unapologetically is an act of revolution for every trans person of color, and in that right, they are doing the work.”
This week in The A+ Insider, we re-cast Peter Pan starring Alex Vega, Laneia thinks you need a walk, we remember the year that was, and everybody stocks up on Endure By Rachel Kincaid.
Maybe girl-on-girl action is like the antenna that boosts magical Wi-Fi. (That was an alcohol-inspired thought.)
If it requires a stove, oven or toaster, you won’t find it here.
“At some point, probably around the time I became a surly teenager and wanted something of my very own to craft and control and create, I decided to start making gingerbread too. At first this was just something I did alone, but gradually my younger brother began helping me, then my older brother, and it kind of became a tradition by accident.”
As far as winter footwear is concerned you have two choices: fashion or function. That doesn’t mean your choices are “look cute and freeze” or “stay dry and sacrificing lookin’ winsome.” Lovely human, you’ve got options.
About half the year, I’m obsessed with beauty products and rituals and slathering things all over my body in the hopes that they’ll be the latest miracle product to change my life. The other half of the time, I’m the laziest motherfucker around.
But in the end, it’s Asami that Korra holds hands with, Asami that Korra decides to vacation with, Asami who’s there for her in the end, Asami with whom Korra shares lingering glances and momentary intimacies.
The Orange is the New Black cast is putting a very Litchfield spin on “The 12 Days of Christmas.”
The intersection of queerness, disability and sex; deciding what you want; making sex the thing you want it to be; and more.
This Sunday there’s revolutionary love in Ferguson, a Marcel the Shell serenade session, 14 famous trans women on the cover of Candy, and absolutely no time for men’s questions. Also, JANET MOCK IS ENGAGED!
Their philosophy is one of the best I’ve ever heard: “Don’t change just because your body does.”
Don’t have a gift for the gamer in your life just yet? Luckily all these games are digitally delivered, YAY PLANNING!
“They cancelled Truck Stop, West Hollywood’s best Girl Night!”
And after way too much sausage talk, Melissa King makes it to the top five on Top Chef.
More fun than a sleigh full of wombats and wine.
Alex and Piper and Taystee and Poussey and Flaca and Maritza, oh my!
If you or someone you love has been affected by 90s Kid Syndrome™, enable their disease with these gifts that are way cool and da bomb.
Don’t let an all-black dress code get you down. Use pieces you already own to create pulled-together looks worthy of the holiday season.