No Indictment for NYPD Police Officer Who Killed Eric Garner, WTF
A Staten Island grand jury decided not to indict Daniel Pantaleo, a white police officer who choked Eric Garner to death during the summer.
A Staten Island grand jury decided not to indict Daniel Pantaleo, a white police officer who choked Eric Garner to death during the summer.
“Welp, I just came out! And everything sucks! I don’t know how I’m feeling! Let’s have a fight and have sex.”
A necklace made of human teeth is the new lump of coal in your stocking. Ho ho ho, bitches.
Got some fireside plans this festive season? Whether it’s hearthrug sex, board games or a lengthy discussion about social justice you are gonna need to get that baby lit.
“While I in no way want to distract from the important conversations going on about anti-Black racism in America, I think it’s also pertinent for us to deconstruct some of the tools and techniques being used by the police to maintain control. So today we’re going to talk about tear gas.”
So it’s your first holiday with the in-laws, and you’re nervous as all get out. Here are some ideas to help you win over your partner’s family in the best way possible: presents.
“The place is so dingy, grimy, and gross that I seriously believe monsters are going to come flying out of the bathroom at any moment and swoop down on all the dudes and chop our heads off.”
A resident Engaged Queer Person helps you figure out how to you start looking for/purchasing an engagement ring!
Now queermos! Now ‘straddlers! Now commenters and lurkers!
On crafters and bakers from all faiths and backgrounds!
To the kitchen to cook! To the living room to sew!
Now get on my level! Get festive, you all!
“Creepy doll teleports itself onto her bed and slowly turns its head. Clearly, Anne is made of braver stuff than I, because this is the moment I would’ve set the entire house on fire.”
A lot of Batwoman fans (and to be honest, a lot of comic fans overall) were worried when the creative team of W. Haden Blackman and J.H. Williams III left the book after DC refused to allow them to have Kate Kane (Batwoman) marry her longtime girlfriend, police detective Maggie Sawyer. Now, it looks like those fears were completely justified.
A change to FDA policy matters not just because it is based on sound science and will potentially increase blood donations — it would be a powerful and tangible step away from a culture that criminalized homosexuality and AIDS for decades.
Get 20% off Autostraddle Merch all day for Cyber Monday AND get a free copy of Lumberjanes #5 with any apparel purchase!
Top 10 Cool Deals We Think You’d Like (e.g., galaxy shoes, moleskines, dog boxes, hot sauce, vacuums) and a total rundown of ALL the best cyber monday sales online.
“Have you ever done the Would You Rather where the first option is to live in a small apartment with your two worst enemies in your least favorite city for ten years, and the other is to have a goat within a ten-foot radius of your body for the rest of your life? Well I would pick the goat every time, partly because I think I would get used to the goat and that it would be more tolerable than ten years with those two in Las Vegas, but mostly because it means I’d have a perpetual source of goat’s milk, which would then give me access to endless goat cheese.”
Is that gross? That’s really gross, huh?
What’s cooler than being a superhero? Lesbian Superhero! I said, what’s cooler than being a superhero? Lesbian Superhero! Alrightalrightalrightalrightalrightalrighalright.
This issue has brain scoops, gaydventures, tattoos, and overture after overture.
Pair with a solemnly regal air and flashing eyes that strike fear into the hearts of men.
The season finale of Transparent!