Gay Students Still Face Web Filtering And “Neutrality” In School
It’s still tough to be a queer high school student, especially in these districts in Missouri and Minnesota.
It’s still tough to be a queer high school student, especially in these districts in Missouri and Minnesota.
Probably not — Bachmann and Paul’s Ames straw poll victory isn’t the end of the world or the race.
“We don’t discriminate, we just don’t believe in homosexuality.”
Why isn’t Fred Karger invited to the debate in Ames, Iowa tomorrow, despite meeting the entry requirements? What can we do to change this obnoxious state of affairs?
One lesbian’s argument that she shouldn’t (possibly) have been dismissed from jury duty for being gay could change legislation around discrimination for gays.
All sorts of things are being done and said about gay and trans people in Australia; here are some of them.
A place for friends to talk about the riots happening across the UK and some heartwarming actions you should know about.
Czech President Klaus (no relation to Santa) rains on everybody’s parade.
In addition to Bachmann’s New Yorker story and controversial Newsweek cover, she’s in the news today for visiting a homo-hating church which aired this CRAZY EX-GAY VIDEO YOU HAVE TO SEE.
A recent decision in an anti-gay hate crime case in Windsor, Ontario has experts calling for harsher sentences. It’s about time.
Equality’s inevitable but so are death and taxes.
Why you should care about a little Democratic primary in North Carolina.
Double illegal < double rainbow.
The brief that John Boehner and his lawyer Paul Clement filed to try to have Edith Windsor’s case against DOMA dismissed is exactly as full of anti-gay gems as you thought it would be.
The future is bright for the brave high school students who fight for GSAs in their schools.
Carmen’s Team Pick: “Tres Gotas de Agua” is Latina Moms talking about their LGBT kids, and this post is me talking about that and also me talking about me. Because I relate.
Rachel’s Team Pick: Oh good, I totally get the debt ceiling thing now.
New York has filed a friend of the court brief against DOMA for forcing it to discriminate against married gay couples.
In the past two years, nine teenagers in Minnesota’s Anoka-Hennepin School District have committed suicide. The district is represented by Michele Bachmann, has numerous anti-gay policies. Coincidence? Critics think not.
Obviously anti-gay groups are doing their best to fight marriage equality in New York State, but their best just isn’t good enough.