Relevant To Your Interests: All Aliens, All the Time
Been watching things about aliens lately? Well here we are with some alien-type goods for your everyday wear and use.
Been watching things about aliens lately? Well here we are with some alien-type goods for your everyday wear and use.
Find your next favorite bag, backpack tote or clutch in here.
Get into school, y’all, it is almost time! Here’s a back to school shopping guide for the nerdiest among us.
When the world isn’t built for you, you build something for yourself. We know how to adapt and generate new ideas because we’ve been doing it out of necessity for our entire lives. So sorry, tech bros – “entrepreneurial spirit” doesn’t exclusively belong to you.
Includes 50% off at asos and a special Autostraddle merch discount code. ISN’T CAPITALISM FUN?? DON’T HATE THE PLAYER HATE THE GAME!!
“In business, especially when starting out, you need to be able to embrace risk with open arms, which is a nice way of saying you have no idea how to swim but are jumping in the deep end anyway.”
It’s summer and you need some shoes for it, probs. Here, we can help.
Hello! Pokémon Go is sweeping the nation and I absolutely, unapologetically love it. So I’ve put together some outfits that say I’m Here, I’m Queer and I’m Gonna Catch That Pinsir.
We’ve got looks that speak to Bratty Femmes, Gender Non-conforming Haus Bois, Fat Femmes, Androgynous Babes and beyond.
Some of these boardgames have individual winners at the end, some don’t, but all allow you to band together for a short time and take on a much more manageable enemy than “hate,” “the patriarchy,” and “the rest of the whole damn world.”
Lately I’ve been consuming media and playing games that have made me reconsider my apathy toward Cthulhu. So here’s some Cthulhu for the new enthusiast.
Nerd tea inspired me to find y’all the best nerd mugs out there. And there are a lot of them.
Stuff you can buy to store your records, display your records, and brag a lot about your collection of records.
For days when you need some Zelda to bring some zest to your life.
This is a roadmap to the books, accessories, and tools that will make tree-hugging, plant-growing garden hippie gnomes like me very, very happy.
“I suggest power poses whenever you want to feel more like an adult regardless of whether or not you are wearing children’s clothing.”
Are you part of the subset of humans taking a spring trip, but that also need to work a spell while you’re on vacay? Here are some things that are relevant to your interests!
Want to combine your values and your hobbies with some feminist coloring books? We’ve got you more than covered.
Ready to start sewing? You’re gonna need one of these — let’s figure out what you should be looking for.
“Ladies, let this be the year of #netflixandcozy.”