Politics + Activism

Extra! Extra!: As the Dust Settles, Here’s What We’ve Learned So Far in the 2020 Election

Last week I was full of the nervous anxiety you feel when you know something big is about to happen, and you’re just counting down the clock. This week I’ve been full of the nervous anxiety of indefinite waiting. And yet, in that time, so much has happened in the world. In this week’s Extra! Extra! we share some reflections on the 2020 election and news on events from Vienna to Poland to Ethiopia to the Philippines to New Zealand to Chile.

Politics + Activism

Mary Bonauto, Lead Obergefell Attorney, on What Amy Coney Barrett’s Confirmation Means for Marriage Equality

RBG’s death and ACB’s confirmation left a lot of LGBT folks reeling, wondering what Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation means for marriage equality. Are folks right to be worried? Yes, admits Mary Bonauto, the Civil Rights Project Director at GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders (GLAD) and the lead attorney in Obergefell v. Hodges.

Politics + Activism

Autostraddle’s Comprehensive 2020 LGBTQ Voting Guide: Lesbian, Bisexual, Queer, and Trans Candidates, Ballot Measures and More!

According to the Victory Institute, there are 843 LGBTQ+ elected officials nationwide. But there’s so much more to us than just the numbers. Here’s your 2020 Voting Guide with every LGBTQ woman and non-binary person running for federal offices or seats in state legislatures, plus the statewide ballot measures we don’t want you to miss!