Femme Brûlée: Almond Butter Apple and Pomegranate Toast
I stan this toast. Join me in that endeavor and add it to your rotation this week!
I stan this toast. Join me in that endeavor and add it to your rotation this week!
A common refrain in trans activism is to “give us our roses while we’re still here” instead of just honoring us upon our deaths. Donating to, uplifting, and otherwise supporting Black trans-led projects like the Okra Project is a tangible way we can do exactly that.
Good lord, this meal is for rich people. Every component of the dish is velvety and smooth; there is no texture, no croutons of hardship, no chili flakes of poverty.
Candy corn is a delicacy to be enjoyed one by one. Or one handful by one handful.
If you, like me, have incredibly niche neuroses and intensive caretaker concerns that include providing your hook-up a breakfast to remember (or at least sustain themselves), these five quick, low-maintenance, dietary-specification-inclusive recipes are for you.
I can’t think of anything more stereotypically magical and witchy than stirring together a bunch of ingredients, adding heat, walking away, and coming back to find a completely new structurally and texturally transformed delight that you can eat while daring to see if you’ve got it in you to finish watching Marianne on Netflix.
It’s officially the time of year when comfort and coziness are the only thing on my mind.
What is the acid on a white pizza anyway?
Let’s end Yom Kippur with delicious, non-dairy milk made from melons!
I hope that as time goes on I have reason to bring out the truly magnificent recipes i’ve been dreaming up in anticipation, but for now we start with a snack.
Taste a whole celebration of fall and a new year in every bite of my favorite challah!
The actual coffee added to the batter amplifies the mocha flavor and elevates this cake from “good” to exceptional, so please for the love of cocoa do not skip it.
This bread reminds me of everything I love about fall.
Mozzarella sticks, above all else, are meant to be shared.
I can’t think of a seasonal summer fruit that would star better in a caramelized honey flavored cake than sweet-tart plums that soften in the oven and become deep, silky, jammy wells of flavor.
Hosting a Do a Thing Brunch can help foster queer community and help you finish up that project you’ve been putting off!
A playful and delicious journey that I hope you’ll be taking very soon.
I wanna eat this on a lake at sunset or literally every hot summer morning for breakfast.
I’ve combined the data from multiple Box Wine tastings over the past few years including new info from this year’s tasting and come up with a very definitive ranking to where you should invest your Box Wine Budget.
It’s the kind of dessert that’s best eaten with closed eyes and long slow pulls on the spoon as it leaves your lips, making sure you get every bit of chocolate off before taking your next bite.