Empire’s Tiana Is A Hot Girl, Has A Hot Girl (And Boy!)
This past week, Empire’s Tiana Brown revealed that she has a girlfriend. In addition to her boyfriend. We need to talk about this!
This past week, Empire’s Tiana Brown revealed that she has a girlfriend. In addition to her boyfriend. We need to talk about this!
My skin and my sense of humor are very dry. My skin is sensitive, but I am not. I’m half-Jewish, and so is my hair, which means it requires a lot of taming. Also I like eyeliner.
You’ve never seen so many heart shaped foods in your whole entire life.
Authenticity and performativity in porn, having awesome sex with fat people, music and attraction and more.
As the National LGBTQ Task Force kicked off its annual conference, queer and trans people of color stormed the stage to demand more inclusion and focus on the violence and oppression faced by people of color.
Valentines from your favorite teevee stars, a chance to win a free suit and a swanky night out, a first look at Thailand’s trans women models, REALLY GOOD NEWS ABOUT COFFEE, and two chicks making out in front of a homophobic Russian dude! All that and some white cheddar popcorn inside.
Can one lesbian journalist and one straight, white cis man form the right kind of odd couple to keynote the queer women in technology conference’s second annual installment?
“I don’t know what dating is.”
Out of the mouths of babes.
“Whatever our beliefs, whatever our traditions, we must seek to be instruments of peace, and bringing light where there is darkness, and sowing love where there is hatred.”
The National review on its own racism, queering makeup, The John Wayne Gacy Files, defending awful humans in court, Casey Kasem, Broad City and more!
I’ve got a bad case of the winter doldrums, y’all. Get in here and warm my heart!
“I think you can put so many people of color on TV shows, but until there are more people of color who are making those decisions to put those actors and actresses in those roles, we’re not quite at that point yet. We need more Shonda Rhimes in our lives.”
In the latest episode, DeAnne talks to Autostraddle’s NSFW Editor and Springsteenian-in-Residence Carolyn about the worst sex she’s ever had, her zine Lesbian Sexting, and where she goes to consume information on the Internet.
Sometimes, it can be hard to parse out exactly why queer and trans people have such a hard time getting by while the headlines would suggest we are advancing by leaps and bounds. On January 23rd and 24th, queer and trans people converged in New York City for the Invisible Lives, Targeted Bodies Conference to explore how the struggle for queer and trans justice and liberation is inextricably linked to struggles for economic, racial, immigrant, disability and reproductive justice.
Doctor Who as Lego, KStew as yr gf, science about making a baby with two other people, cats in boxes, sex and menstruation (!!!), reheat your pizza like a fucking pro please, and so much more!
New Toni Morrison, make a tiny zine, literary podcasts, writing difference and more.
Emily and Talia, sitting in tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!
WARNING: There’s a f*ckton of hearts in here.
I relish that I am out in the streets with my community protesting inequality, instead of hiding from it under my sheets with a hangover.