More Schoolgirls in India Might Be Lesbians
“The fact that they are mustering the courage to come for help on their own is indeed a paradigm shift.”
“The fact that they are mustering the courage to come for help on their own is indeed a paradigm shift.”
“You’ve got audiences cheering at the prospect of somebody dying because they don’t have healthcare and booing a service member in Iraq because they’re gay.”
New survey shows that most US young people don’t find homophobic, racial or sexist slurs offensive. Is this a good or bad thing?
Maggie Gallagher will step down as Board Chair of the National Organization for Marriage and be replaced by Dr. John Eastman.
This is what a repeal of DADT looks like at a gay community center in Oklahoma.
Bachmann’s completely incorrect, false, wrong, bogus and detrimental claims about vaccines can have a real lasting impact on public health. I feel angry about this.
Obama name-drops gay rights in an address to the United Nations, one of a few admirable moves he’s made this week.
Michele Bachmann to Jay Leno: “When I heard that I thought it was a mid-life crisis thing, ‘pray the gray away.’”
The big day is finally here and we’re one step closer to equality!
Jamey Rodemeyer loved Lady Gaga, made an It Gets Better video, had a cute tumblr, and now he is dead.
“We are mad as hell that the world is as fucked up as it is by corporations… The few who control wealth have bought off our democratically elected leadership.”
On Tuesday, DADT will be over forever.
“There’s so much hate for gays, and lesbians, and transgender people, the thing is, Doc, you seem to be adding to the hate.”
You too can write articles on gay youth by utilizing terrible or possibly zero research or evidence!
Put the coffee on, homos, because “this gross example of child abuse is a wake-up call that everything about the gay movement isn’t acceptable.”
North Carolina voters will most likely vote in May 2012 on a state constitutional ban on same-sex marriage.
The headline of The Onion today is: “Remembering 9/11 A Pleasure For Nation Compared To Remembering Past 10 Years.”
Who “won” and who was the “incontrovertible loser”???
They might get to keep “the precious power” of voter initiatives, but we might get marriage.
Forget about the fact that most California public schools can’t even afford new textbooks — let’s make sure that when they do, Harvey Milk isn’t mentioned anywhere.