26 Excerpts From Laneia’s Diary, 2013
“I realize that sounds absolutely stupid, but for however many years, I just felt like YES I’VE GOT THIS, STAND BACK. And now I’m like SHIT WAIT HAVE I TOTALLY FUCKED THIS UP.”
“I realize that sounds absolutely stupid, but for however many years, I just felt like YES I’VE GOT THIS, STAND BACK. And now I’m like SHIT WAIT HAVE I TOTALLY FUCKED THIS UP.”
Callie agrees to go on a date with a police officer whose life she saved, kind of.
“Computer Love” is a cute slice-of-life sci-fi webcomic filled with queer and trans characters. Renee Montoya is an amazing lesbian Latina superhero/detective. Both are great!
Rihanna speaks out against Indiana’s anti-gay bill, a revenge porn website operator is off to jail, a lesbian couple is suing a Georgia sperm bank and more news!
The pAtriArchy is A, just as we suspected.
Which of these shows featuring trans women are you most excited for?
One Big Happy is getting funnier and funnier, Nyssa Al Ghul is back to kicking ass on Arrow, and Sam and Laura finally go on their honeymoon on Newlyweds: The First Year.
Online listmaking, airport hacks, listening, goats, sweet potatoes, and more.
I got to work ten minutes early so I made this list
Other people, it turns out, didn’t grow up calling pasta “macaroni” and sauce “gravy” and eating some variation of those two things every Sunday at 3 PM with their grandmothers. I’m dedicating this recipe collection to you, macaroni-less children.
Safer sex tips for trans women, being a kinky feminist, what you can learn at an orgy and more.
Also, an otter.
Seriously, wtf am I missing here? Can you tell me why we need smart watches? Or at least, why we need them in their current state?
“Wanna play trains?” and other scrambled signals.
The Trans 100 list, the gayest sweater and Manischewitz products to the max.
Hey get in here and listen to the love letters we wrote to The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Tegan and Sara, Drake, James Tiptree Jr., Harriet Hayes and Liza Minnelli!
Topics include The Bachelor, supermax prisons, Robert Durst’s futon, Brittney Spears, being a black cop, working at Hardee’s, Comcast, murder, Flawless and moar!
It’s Friday and I’m giving you the chance to listen to embarrassing music from your youth. Get in here!
“Ruth lifts her head, smiles demure and sweet, her lips swollen with kissing. ‘Can’t miss a chance to minister to a heathen like you, Idgie.'”
“Probably the devil is involved”