Hot Chicks of Occupy Wall Street
Jess’s Team Pick: The sexy side of protesting corruption
Jess’s Team Pick: The sexy side of protesting corruption
“If just a few instances of harassment were used as the standard for preventing the release of names, then disclosure would become the exception, rather than the rule, Settle said.”
“Mr. Cain, Governor Perry and Congresswoman Bachmann all believe 50 different definitions of marriage is fine. But I strongly disagree and will continue fighting for traditional marriage between one man and one woman.”
This is what not-quite-equal looks like.
“The problem is, Erickson’s campaign, asinine and divorced-from-reality as it might be, appeals to a lot of folks’ view of themselves as better than the next guy — harder-working, not looking for a hand-out, subsidizing all of Those People who are complaining whiners.”
The people trying to repeal SB 48, California’s gay history bill, aren’t going to be able to pull it off.
The former leader of Love in Action comes out as gay and pretty cool.
Conservative British PM David Cameron supports gay marriage. What does this mean?
“Why on earth would any white girl want to hold up a sign with the n-word on it? …Did she just wake up and lose her damn mind?”
Rachel Maddow is on the cover of The Hollywood Reporter, and on the inside she’s talking about her feelings.
“If EQCA abdicates their responsibility to fight for equality for the LGBT Community in California and to honor their prior commitments, Love Honor Cherish will fill the void.”
“Now that the movement is gaining some mainstream members beyond the ragtag band of activists who began the occupation three weeks ago, will the Occupy Wall Street movement galvanize real change impacting the economic disparities in the country they are protesting?”
“Jones and Yarhouse found that “23% of the remaining people in the study were successful in changing their sexual orientation toward heterosexuality.”
Incredible things are happening in this world, gay things are happening in this world…
This gay man thinks that watching him ride the train with his daughter will make you more likely to vote for him.
11-year-old Tammy Lobel begins Hormone Replacement Therapy, media begins slamming her lesbian parents for “human experimentation” and questioning the validity of her identity. Homophobia AND Transphobia! What fun!
“Alison J. Nathan has years of experience, and everyone she has worked with seems to have a friend crush on her.”
”We do not want to improve the actual system; we want a profound change – to stop seeing education as a consumer good, to see education as a right where the state provides a guarantee.”
“They have no heart, is what it basically comes down to for me.”
“Whatever it was, many lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans had had enough.”