Book Features

Riese’s Team Pick: And The Heart Says Whatever

NY Mag: Who do you think will read your book? Emily Gould: Twenty-three year old girls who have Tumblr Accounts. I’m going to write something about Emily Gould’s And the Heart Says Whatever this week or yesterday. By repeatedly pressuring you to purchase it, I’m upping the chances that you’ll want to talk to me […]

Book Features

Riese’s Team Pick: Emily Gould & Megan Daum

I’ve been reading everything Megan Daum‘s written since 1998 (when I first discovered her via New Yorker essay) & especially loved her collection My Misspent Youth. So imagine my delight to see that Curtis Sittenfeld (author of Prep another favorite book) interviewed Megan in New York Magazine along with Emily Gould, who’s new book And […]

Book Features

J.D. Salinger, 91, Dies: All Eyes On the Literary Recluse Who Despised Our Eyes

J.D. Salinger, author of “Catcher in the Rye” and legendary recluse, dies of natural causes at the age of 91. Will death kill his well-cultivated privacy? How do we honor our literary idols using the same media machine employed to vaporize/idolize our dead celebrities & rock stars? Will we get to read all his unpublished books now? Why do some people feel entitled to that, or anything, from anyone who has passed away, ever?

Book Features

Riese’s Team Pick: The Decade in Poetry

2000-2009: The Decade in Poetry at the Poetry Foundation. There’s some Eileen Myles in there. (I love her) “The women poets I know are beginning to understand feminism as a sly term that can hold a lot. All that it needs…”

December 27, 2009
Book Lists

10 Awesome ’00s Books by Queer Women

Autostraddle looks back on some of the decade’s most awesome books by queer ladies. Annie Leboivitz shoots Britney’s Candies Campaign, a year in Gaga costumes, Disney’s best & worst princesses, and Lady Gaga gives an interview that’s really weird, even for her.

Book Features

Sister Spit’s New Generation of Queer Poets & Rebels: The Autostraddle Interview

In 1997, Michelle Tea and Sini Anderson started Sister Spit – a spoken word tour full of the best queer writers and poets around. Twelve years later, Sister Spit: The Next Generation is taking over the world/my heart. On October 5, the tour came to Phoenix and I interviewed them for you, which is actually a big deal because it was the first face-to-face interview I’ve ever done and I was scared, y’all.