A Guide To Great First Dates for Gals Seeking Pals
Let’s help each other find love, or at least have a decent time with another human for 2-5 hours!
Let’s help each other find love, or at least have a decent time with another human for 2-5 hours!
The Batgirl creative team makes changes to fix their transphobic mistakes, Harley and Ivy are confirmed as a couple, and DC has more queer heroes than ever before!
Daya’s STILL pregnant. We shouldn’t ever douche with Lysol or let the bed bugs out of our chia poons. Also, sex stuff happened. Bring enough snacks for the group and get in here!
Also, Younger ended a fantastic first season and USA released the first 15 minutes of Complications.
We’ve got two styles of Scissoring tanks for ya — a black Flowy Scoop Muscle Tank and a grey Unisex jersey tank. Get yours before they sell out!
Dry clean only laundry, cast iron pans, a bar for birds, “Timber” by Pitbull feat. Kesha, and more!
So your white gf used a grossly inaccurate stereotype about your entire ethnicity/race to make a point? COOL. Let’s talk about it.
A food porn post dedicated to all the loving and self-proclaimed foodie babes — of all races and ethnicities — that have brought amazing foods things into my life.
Just a gal, her pal, her super-supportive mom and a pack of wolves, howling at the moon. No but seriously, Kristen Stewart’s Mom confirmed the relationship. Also did we mention the wolves.
It’s gonna get really real in here.
Tiny victories in Mexico and the US, what a pudu fawn looks like, the best gay wedding ever in the most amazing spot, a survey that shows America’s got your back, a one-eyed cat bathing itself, pit bulls with pets dot com, and a whole lot of happy ladies playing soccer.
Making better porn at home, whether it’s okay to have sex when you’re staying on someone’s couch, queer non-monogamy, the history of polyamory and more.
I’ve come to two conclusions: most entities aren’t censoring gay content on purpose, they’ve just literally never thought of it; and filters, in most cases, are a waste of resources and a bad idea in general.
Self-Care To Do List
Lena makes the very bad decision not to tell Stef that she kissed Monty.
The best place to come up for air during your Orange Is The New Black marathon!
In just the few days since Jenner made her debut, I’ve received the same amount submissions that I received in the nearly two months before. All of these submissions are about Jenner.
Topics include queer mamas and donor sperm, suicide in Palo Alto, Mary Gaitskill and men, orthodontics, black feminism, Baltimore and moar!
“Stahma Tarr has undergone one of the most remarkable patriarchy-smashing story arcs I’ve ever seen, just a straight up Squib-to-Slytherin transformation that actually all started when she fell in love with another woman.”