Interview With My Queer BFF: Chloe Interviews Abby (and Riese)
“If we were straight girls, I feel like we’d be THOSE annoying straight girls, like ‘look at me and my girlfriend!'”
“If we were straight girls, I feel like we’d be THOSE annoying straight girls, like ‘look at me and my girlfriend!'”
“I am still crying an amount that for me is significantly higher than average, what’s up with that?”
Kate McKinnon and the other new Ghostbusters are real-life heroes, Tariji P. Henson and Viola Davis talk racism and sexism in Hollywood, Lea DeLaria says butch lesbians are the pariahs of the LGBT community, Ruby Rose does not apologize, and more!
So many cool stories including a new chapters for Tiger Beat and Highlights for Children, Comcast investing in Buzzfeed, how we use slack, pitches we’re looking for and the importance of the online commenting conversation.
This week, we sent a tiny white dog out into the field to dig up some Instagram stories about Samira Wiley, Sara Quin and more.
As a follow-up to the time I used “gal pals” sarcastically and taught you all about the queer suffragists, and in honor of Gal Pal Week, this week’s Rebel Girls lesson is going to be about good, old-fashioned friendship.
“I’m definitely not a believer in those no/low carb diets, it’s more that my bread to non-bread daily ratio is waaaayy off and I need to cut back a little. Just a tiny bit, though, ’cause nothing feels as good as freshly baked miche sourdough tastes.”
I am a person who thinks there should, on the whole, be more secret societies in this world. So. I’m not saying I’ve made a secret society just to have a secret punch recipe, but I’m not not saying that either.
Rachel: “The writing & philosophy class I was required to take freshman year mostly sucked. But there was this one girl, Lizz, who seemed cool. She wore comic book tshirts and had beautiful shiny hair. One day after class, I announced to a friend, ‘Lizz is not straight. I can just tell.'”
Lizz: “There was something about Rachel that I just couldn’t shake. She spent a lot of time quoting feminist theorists who I’d never heard of and she had what I would later come to call ‘Congenital Gay Face.'”
Plus new trailers for Faking It and Survivor’s Remorse!
Chromat’s Spring 2016 collection exemplifies summer looks wonderfully; dewy, waterproof and slick, it’s a sun-soaked romp. A lush cat-eye, rich lips and overall sunkissed makeup looks excellent with artfully cutout suits and futuristic monokinis. You’ll want a cold drink for this one, since you’ll be smokin’ hot poolside all summer long.
“That’s when we slept in a bed together and when I woke up I said I missed you while I was sleeping.”
Six were stabbed, leaving one teen girl dead, at Jerusalem’s Pride parade; an arrest has been made in India Clarke’s murder; a teen lesbian couple was attacked at Six Flags New England and more news stories.
Aquí Estamos is Spanish for “we’re here.” The first ever QPOC conference in the RGV is letting everyone know just that — we’re here and we’ll be here to organize and fight against the social and political factors that affect us.
Abortion, the actual thing and not the Political Issue, can be really difficult to talk about, and that’s exactly what makes such an easily approachable book like this so necessary.
Questions I never thought I’d have to consider, but here we are. Get an exclusive peek into my over-processing journey towards queer parenthood.
More links than you can swallow with a milkshake.
“There was a deep sharing of emotion and feelings and we planned the future and organized and then shared opinions about finger-fucking and chlorine you know, very loudly, next to some children. “
Now you can wear your fancy new gal pal crop top or t-shirt while hanging out with all your gal pals!
It’s Gal Pal Week on! Let’s kick it off by counting down television friendships we adore!