5 Ways To Tenderize Tough Meats (With Science!)
I’ve developed a real soft place in my heart for soft foods. So for today’s topic, I thought we’d talk about how to soften up other tough muscles! With science! Get pumped.
I’ve developed a real soft place in my heart for soft foods. So for today’s topic, I thought we’d talk about how to soften up other tough muscles! With science! Get pumped.
This week in fitness, I’m trying out yoga for beginners, gym-friendly podcasts and running apps.
From a little hibachi grill to the Mad Max of charcoal grills, here’s our favorite cookout equipment!
“Faking It” returns August 31st, and everybody is still lying, just about different stuff. (Also: SPOILER ALERT)
“Her books are like wonderfully illustrated versions of those letters that people always say they’d write to their younger selves. But everyone gets to read and enjoy them.”
Violence in Ferguson, several deaths at the hands of police, what’s happening with the lesbian fired from a Catholic elementary school, judges in Ohio dealing with same-sex marriage, and more.
We hope you and your gal pals enjoy these songs on your Thelma and Louise-esque roadtrip, wherein you play by your own rules, take no prisoners and bring out the best in each other.
In a multigenerational, transcontinental tale, Bright Lines weaves together issues of gender and sexuality across cultures, migration, in/dependence, family secrets, conflict and tragedy, and well, botany.
Brenna kisses her best friend on Chasing Life, Audrey gets interrogated on Scream, Gretchen continues to be a superhero on Complications, and I Am Cait really is great.
“These people need to be acknowledged for the role they played. And that they existed! It’s so important that they at least realized that Marsha and Sylvia existed and that they did so much to help the community.”
This weekend, Autostraddle’s Babe-B-Q celebration is coming to a backyard, fire pit, and/or other totally appropriate location near you. And I’ve rounded up all of the events our readers are hosting to be part of the action in this very post!
“I’m really good at just torching a bridge and not looking back. And you are the only fucking person who has forced me to build the bridge back.”
In which things start falling apart.
Pretty Little Prom is a Pretty Little Disaster.
“I sent you a text overnight like, “I know this has been really hard but I’m gonna be home soon and I love you and it’s gonna be OK.” I woke up and you were like, “I can’t be your girlfriend,” and I… I was just blindsided.”
In this edition of He Said/ We Said, dapperQ features the masculine gender queer style of some amazing queers in Toronto!
A fort-building kit, how to hide photos on your iPhone, sunburns, scrambled eggs, and more!
Much like its introverted indoor cousin, the crock pot, a BBQ grill can cook a whole lot of exciting and unexpected stuff beyond hot dogs and hamburgers.
Megan Rapinoe’s engayged, Erika Linder’s staring longingly out windows, a roller derby player became a local treasure, Tama Adrian is trans and running for office in Venezuela, and more big good gay news stories for you!
Today’s topics include threesomes, sex and relationship myths, food aphrodisiacs and more!