You Need Help: Is She “The One”?
Looks like 16-year-old model/actress Lily-Rose Depp has something in common with her new stepmom Amber Heard — she’s not straight.
We’re moving our Autostraddle merch operations to a new (larger) location and we’ve got a lot of stock to clear out! This is VERY GOOD NEWS FOR YOU.
Whether you’re a tofu devotee or someone interested in picking up their first-ever pack of extra firm, these recipes will hit the spot.
Women making military history, a newborn shoot to top them all, the White House’s first trans official, a pride flag in my homeland, and more!
Strawberries and blueberries in a buttermilk biscuit cobbler situation, so you can live your best life!
Sharing your fantasies, causal sex apps, making your own dental dams, How To Make Me Come and more.
The plot of this film seems to be the struggle of three white male actors who feel like the world owes them a big break. We’d rather watch Jodie Sweetin learn to add and subtract.
UX Designer and User Researcher Caroline Sinders talks SXSW, women in games and harassment in online spaces. Oh yeah, and Gamergate.
Autostraddle senior editors and Everyone is Gay gave advice to live audience members at A-Camp 2015. Listen to their hilarious and thoughtful words of wisdom to queer girl problems!
“Over the short years that I’ve been a professional, I’ve learned many skills.”
Ellen Page ruined Ted Cruz’s day at the Iowa State Fair by calling out his backwards views on LGBT rights. But it totally made our day!
A tech savvy kitten, bee puns, My Favorite things rewritten and more comments!
This issue has a playlist of songs for kittens at the spa, an amazing Haiku by Lydia and the triumphant return of both Mystery Solvers and Laura and Luna.
Get in here and let’s talk about our FEELINGS and other things, whatever, I’m good to talk about everything forever.
Discussing race in a culture hostile to discussing race, transnational trans characters, a book you can drink and more.
It’s lovely and strange how a song can cast light on memories of people you haven’t thought about in years, can press urgently on that soft sad spot we carry for our past.
Calling all wandering queers! I’ve written you a survival guide for the next time you’re trying to move onto someone’s back porch.
I don’t know how to make friends, but I’m going to try. I’m going to do it with apps and technology, so that the process is replicable for the rest of you.
This week’s New York Magazine Sex Diarist is going on a date with a woman for the first time and it’s totally no big deal.