Rebel Girls: 5 Women Who Organized Across Movements to Make Feminist Herstory
From labor rights to environmental justice, these women organized with gender in mind outside of the feminist movement.
From labor rights to environmental justice, these women organized with gender in mind outside of the feminist movement.
Happy Ad-Blocker-For-Mobile Debuts Day! Also we’re talking about the rise of the first-person confessional essay, an article about us, Slack, Rookie, Taag Magazine and so much more!
Cookie is (maybe) going to be queer on Empire, Mulan will return to Once Upon a Time, women are still underrepresented on television, and Caitlyn Jenner clarifies her position on marriage equality.
I’m reading a book about hackers right now and feel like maybe some of y’all want to join me. Just a feeling I had.
Evan Rachel Wood is IN an Instagram photo, which is almost like her having Instagram! Also Ellen Page, Laverne Cox and Bette friggin’ Porter.
How to explore kinky sex with a kinky partner when you have no experience whatsoever.
“If someone had been like, “You are going to write a thing and it’s going to be fully produced and you are gonna star in it and it’s gonna be really good,” I would’ve been like, nah.”
“I remember everything: what normal felt like all through college in my relationship with her — an attractive and charismatic woman who was also a compulsive liar and an abusive lover. Of course it didn’t start out that way. Insane realities rarely do.”
Dive right into all we know about Ellen Page’s outing with her girlfriend Samantha Thomas and Hannah Hart’s relationship with Ingrid Nilsen.
This week on “Faking It,” Reagan wants one thing, Amy wants another thing, Karma wants something else, Lauren wants a different thing but also a similar thing, and I want an iced tea. Unsweetened!
After eleventy hundred years of being pregnant, Daya finally has her baby.
Kim Davis goes back to work, San Francisco jails take steps to house trans women in correct facilities, April Gross is the second woman to score in a college football game, and more news.
Batting cages, aquarobics and yoga, oh my!
Kate Beaton talks to Autostraddle about why Ida Wells is her hero, the fascinating Filles de Roi, and obviously Wonder Woman.
Laura is terrorized by her own giraffe shirt on Carmilla, M-Chuck is really into Indigo Girls on Survivor’s Remorse, I Am Cait says goodbye, Lauren Lewis is a BAMF, and more queer TV news!
I’ve been spending some time collecting up my favorite looks on how to embrace my beautiful lil eyelids for all of you. Hopefully this will be helpful for all my hooded/monolid sisters out there.
Welcome back to Witch Hunt, a meeting place for witches of all kinds. We’re here with your monthly dose of witchy info, history, pop culture, ephemera and community!
We’re almost there! The interminable countdown to actually having a real, live baby is almost over!
I went to New Jersey and back, and I had a million billion emotions.
Queer Bay Area musician Lila Rose wants to talk to you about the circle of life, and how it moves us all.