Fred Karger is On a Mission To Harness The GOP’s Gay Voters
Gay Jewish GOP candidate Fred Karger is hoping to be the Republican primary protest vote a la Ralph Nader. We just have to hope this ends up going our way.
Gay Jewish GOP candidate Fred Karger is hoping to be the Republican primary protest vote a la Ralph Nader. We just have to hope this ends up going our way.
Anthony Makk can stay with his husband Bradford Wells in the US, at least for two more years.
Two moms in Florida were awarded equal parenting rights, which is sadly actually a landmark occasion.
As close as it was, and it was very close, Mitt Romney won the Iowa caucus.
Welcome to the mainstream, for better or worse.
I can’t believe this is real and I’m not actually trapped in a George Orwell book.
The Republicans have already decided that they don’t need the gays for the 2012 election, but Obama may feel differently.
So many things happened this year that weren’t terrible!
In which voting for anti-gay politicians is followed by voting for anti-gay laws.
There were huge strides for the queer community this year, while we lost ground for reproductive rights. What made the difference, and how can we make more progress on both fronts in 2012?
“Friends at home are asking me what’s going on with all the protests… I never know what to say.”
It’s the day after Christmas and last night your family said weird things to you and maybe even made you super sad / frustrated / confused. You deserve this.
“On behalf of all gays and lesbians living in Minnesota, I would like to wholeheartedly apologize for our community’s successful efforts to threaten your traditional marriage.”
Rick Perry can’t stop talking about how much he hates the gays, and Newt Gingrich can. How’s that working out for them?
Mayor Greg Davis of Southaven is gay, and also stole $170,000.
Occupy Atlanta successfully helped a lesbian couple, one of whom is an Iraq War veteran, keep their home.
Look, we all were hoping this wasn’t true but it is: the Republican candidates for president are completely and totally obsessed with us, and it’s super awkward. They just won’t let the gay thing go. Ever. Seriously.
“All people, including lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) persons, are entitled to enjoy the protections provided for by international human rights law.”
Bradley Manning is being tried for leaking files to WikiLeaks after 19 months of imprisonment, and the military is arguing that his being gay is “irrelevant.”
Kim Jong-il was 69 and “fatigued.” His “effeminate” middle son will not be the next leader, obviously.