The Autostraddle Insider: Issue Fifteen, September 2015
“In other, lighter news I want to share with everyone that there is a segment of a hot dog on the section of our roof that we can see from the bedroom window.”
“In other, lighter news I want to share with everyone that there is a segment of a hot dog on the section of our roof that we can see from the bedroom window.”
“I will never be as cool as Willie Nelson, but I’m willing to die trying.”
We’re here to talk about how to get out of credit card debt or, if that feels too big right now, how to manage your debt in such a way that it doesn’t keep you awake at night. Because neither you nor I are going to win the lottery tomorrow.
Because you can always start eating healthy tomorrow.
A train for stray dogs, lots of good news for the queer kids and parents of the world, a formal victory for Caitlyn Jenner, and more!
A not terrible sex tape, fat people in porn, whether your summer fling will last and more.
The Comment Awards are here for fall with thoughts about Galadriel, Jane Austen, and righteous Stonewall indignation.
The Lesbians Who Tech Summit in New York City is coming up October 1-4, and is packed with events like TED-style talks and what is literally called “networking that doesn’t suck.” Comment on this post for a chance to win a free Summit pass!
AWMAN now we gotta talk about “Rules.”
If you’re counting, here are four more new lesbian and bisexual women on your TV. How long they’ll stick around is anyone’s guess!
TGIT premieres with six queer women!
Back in August I received an invitation to the Papal arrival ceremony …a story went up, was picked up by Breitbart, and Fox News took it from there. Before long a few gay and trans folk among 15,000 guests on the White House lawn was enough to get media talking around the planet.
I’m having a lot of feelings about “home” and I want you to come share in this general pool of emotions with me. Or not! Either way, GET IN HERE!
Topics include the Slender Man murders, girls’ games, multilevel marketing, how to write about trans women, scars, Disneyland/Dismaland, Kony 2012 and moar!
GAYmous’ new video has everything: crystals, spells, tarot, candles, bondage, glitter, and hot femme on femme action.
“The one thing that is ‘typical’ about a day at the forge is that there is a lot of mess and noise, and that I sweat buckets and come home very dirty.”
“Stonewall couldn’t be more whitewashed than if it was doused in Clorox Bleach and thrown into the laundry three times over.”
“Just keep an eye on it and pull it out when it looks like something you think an elven queen would repin to her Pinterest cooking board.”
“In the two weeks I’ve been on the road I’ve learned to be silent and reverent in the face of nature, to see myself in mountains and peel away the layers that tug me toward them, to feel at home in endless waves of grain, to become someone new in every new place.”
The Pope visits Obama and canonizes a colonizer, Kim Davis loses another appeal, a Republican advocating for English as the state language, and more.