NSFW Lesbosexy Sunday Will Invite You In
How to “be” in a relationship, a new way to think about play piercing, consent as a starting point in sex and more.
How to “be” in a relationship, a new way to think about play piercing, consent as a starting point in sex and more.
Perhaps the best praise I can give Carol is that ten minutes into it, I forgot it was my job to be a critic. Twenty minutes in, I forgot I was watching a movie at all.
I had heard about Reina Gossett and Grace Dunham’s close relationship, and how it was informing some incredible work together, so I sought them out to find out more — over the course of our afternoon together in NYC, our conversation covered everything from the damages of biological essentialism to the radical power of empathy to how important it is to feel sexy sometimes.
I did a quick interview with the founder of FlirtyQWERTY, a free and feminist emoji app, about desegregating tech, bringing people together, and flipping people off.
“This is just a clear garbage bag.”
Scream Queen, Grey’s Anatomy, Empie, Steven Universe, Carmilla, Arrow, Rosewood, Grandfathered, and so much more!
Things we’re still fighting about, the story behind “Ermahgerd Girl” and Kristen Stewart.
Topics include the battle for the soul of Oakland, getting rid of tipping, the sex lives of college students, Terence Trent D’Arby, dying alone, the thirst of California and Ryan Murphy.
Where are the places in your city that feel the most like home? What bars or coffee shops or vegan joints do you report to on the regular to get your fix, or flirt with a cute barista? Who do you know by name at the dog park? When did you finally figure out your neighborhood, and what are your favorite spots there? Get in here and talk to me about the places where everybody knows your name!
The sunglasses! The crop tops! The Timberlands! The neon! Justin Bieber’s “Sorry” is what little me thought slumber parties would be like when I grew up, now with 100 percent more femme4femme glory.
Before you get out there with our new series, get in here and make a passport book to keep track of all your adventuring!
Break out your stew recipes and hot cocoa mix, sharpen your pumpkin-carving knife, unearth your slippers from the back of the closet, press play, and settle in for the fall.
I’m back in Austin after a few good years spent abroad, and I’m making it my mission to see adventure in my everyday life. I want to find people here who are my people, and get to know my city — and I’m challenging all of you to join me!
“I woke up to 57,000 emails reminding a user to resubscribe”
You think someone is cute, and they think you’re cute, and you want to make them happy but preferably without being an awkward overeager weirdo. I feel you.
“When did I become so silly! Look at me, riding horses and driving backwards on the highway! Who knew girls were so much like drugs or like aerial gymnastics?”
Wanna get paid to write cool stuff for a bunch of really fantastic people / the world? We’re looking for a few new voices with a lot of opinions to share and jokes to tell. Get in here!
Joe Biden won’t run for President, the IHS will provide better access to emergency contraception for Native women, Kim Davis’s emails released, and more.
If you only plan to read one book about sex, ever, make it Girl Sex 101.
The Gilda Stories was published in 1991 and hasn’t been out of print since — it uses the vampire myth to tackle new themes, including Black American life and queerness.