“Faking It” Puts Out Call For Trans Actors, Getting Closer To Repping Every Letter In LGBTQIA+
They’re looking for trans and gender non-conforming actors to play both background characters and speaking roles in the show’s upcoming third season.
They’re looking for trans and gender non-conforming actors to play both background characters and speaking roles in the show’s upcoming third season.
Caroline Sinders chats with us about what it’s like when SXSW cancels a panel about harassment because of harassment.
Questions to ask a foreign fish.
“I think we can all agree that vampires are sexier than human boyfriends with control issues, who can’t even fly, or turn into a bat or anything.”
A trans storyline on a murder show that isn’t horrible, a narrow escape on Arrow, more conflicting feelings about American Horror story, and a prayer that Carmilla and Laura will just kiss for six straight minutes some time soon.
These comments are so good it’s spoooOOOooOOOky!
I will carve a pumpkin, dammit.
This podcast is guaranteed not to haunt your phone or any other of your electrical devices. (…or IS IT?)
Everything you need to know to make your very own herbal tincture at home.
“Zombies signify failure — of political will and social cohesion, of technology and medicine, of the human body and soul. These are all topics that are being battled over right now, among people who care about all three worlds that this series occupies: science fiction, feminism, and bicycling.”
My favorite images are always those from the first look. They are so genuine, unfiltered and moving.
Time buys xoJane and HelloGiggles, NEWS FLASH women’s media has a better chance of getting funded when a man owns it, more news from the facebook apocalypse, and a 700-word apology for being late.
A lesbian couple from LA says they were arrested for kissing in public when they visited Hawaii on vacation and are now filing a lawsuit, Paul Ryan will be our next Speaker of the House, Tara Hudson is being sent to a men’s prison, Cleveland is outraged about how the investigation into Tamir Rice’s death is being handled and more.
If you missed the debate itself, congratulations. This is all you really need to know.
Enamel pins are the perfect teensy canvas for independent artists and cheeky retailers alike. Luckily, an infinite amount of meme-worthy catch phrases and images are available for your pinning pleasure.
Three films with lesbian/bisexual actors and/or characters were announced within the last 24 hours: Hannah Hart’s “Dirty Thirty,” Kristen Stewart and Chloe Sevigny’s Lizzie Borden movie and Michelle Rodriguez in one of the worst ideas for a movie, ever.
She looked me up and down and told me I had magnificent hair. So I told her she had a beautiful tail. She told me she liked my scar. I told her I liked her, and would she like to have dinner with me sometime? “Yesss,” she replied. The following evening she came to my apartment and I fed her five different homemade soups.
Through an exhibition of both contemporary artwork by a slew of trans artists and a truly impressive selection of archival documents from the Kinsey Archives and the University of Victoria Transgender Archives, Stamatina Gregory and co-curator Jeanne Vaccaro work to fill in the gaps between what many see as signs of mainstream progress and the true, vast history of trans people’s lived experiences.
Queer books for Halloween, a new collaborative serial from Malinda Lo, witch history, librarian history and more.
From figuring out your own gender politics to launching massive campaigns and everything in-between, these books have your back as queer people, women, people of color, and other folks living at the intersections. The bonus? They’re also all badass as f*ck.