Spend the Holigays With Your (Queer) Family: Host an Autostraddle Meet-Up This Season!
Let’s make the season gayer than ever by spending it with our chosen queer families — our partners, our gal pals, and our fellow ‘straddlers!
Let’s make the season gayer than ever by spending it with our chosen queer families — our partners, our gal pals, and our fellow ‘straddlers!
“But, like embracing the woman I am, I couldn’t stay back from the allure of the waves. The pull of my trans-ness and queerness, of course, would always be stronger, the strongest impulses I have ever known. The sea, like them, was a place that represented a kind of forbidden love. I needed to overcome my fears or I would feel that I was holding myself back from living authentically.”
From lesbian gangs killing old ladies in a nursing home to actresses with Mommy issues to inspirational schoolteachers, these are ten of the first-ever lesbian characters on American primetime television, 1961-1977.
This issue features a mathtastic mystery solver, a hilarious venn diagram, the continuation of last issue’s playlist, and so much more!
Big olives. Little olives. Stuffed olives. From a can. From a man. With a fox. In a box. Here and there. I would eat olives anywhere.
Oh, wanna look great and stay warm? Thanks hats! But there are so many chapeaus to have, and how will you decide which ones are for you? Regardless of your personal style and/or gender presentation, there are certainly several hats for you. There are levels to daring headwear, and you’re about to get in the game!
While it’s important to acknowledge famous names like Christine Jorgensen and Lili Elbe, it’s also important to talk about other trans women who might be less well-known, but have had their own big impact on trans history.
The second Democratic debate featured two fewer debaters, a moment of silence for Paris, and a lot of tweets.
Sexual overtures from an alien, coming out like a porn star, changes to your Tinder profile, virtual reality porn and more.
Ruby Rose and Caitlyn Jenner got some love from the glossies, Ukrainian lawmakers voted for gay rights, Dallas went where Houston didn’t for trans folks, Starbucks wants to be a safe space, Obama wants more LGBT equality, and more good news!
If you’re looking for a quick recap of some of Autostraddle’s trans coverage from the past year, look no further.
Gifts for the nerds who put the Art in STE(A)M.
“I’ve had a surprisingly productive few weeks!”
Empire and American Horror Story get it wrong, Grey’s gets it right, and Carmilla and Laura still aren’t smooching enough!
Slytherin here and let’s talk about the golden snitch. Yes, I’m Sirius.
Elaborate sexual scenarios and a missed opportunity by Mattel. Those things are unrelated, FYI.
“I can’t focus enough to read the cool indigneous women article but I want to read it but I cam’t I had too much drug candy”
From Ali Adler to Nahnatchka Khan to Ilene Chaiken to three different women named “Liz,” you might not recognize their faces, but you’ll definitely recognize their work.
The creator of Clarissa Explains It All has published some fan fiction about her grown-up life. Plus: An essay on what fandom can mean to women in their 30s, some witchy story recommendations, answers to your TV questions, and a fic news round up!
Learn all about black cats, love potions, how to sew your own familiar and how to draw a sigil in this month’s witchy roundup!