14 Lesbian Sexual Fantasies Submitted By Anonymous Women To 1973’s “My Secret Garden”
“I had slight lesbian tendencies before going into the convent…”
“I had slight lesbian tendencies before going into the convent…”
“It’s comfortable and utilitarian, and perfect for when you are dreaming about living in a treehouse or wrangling a menagerie of household pets who are trying to eat you.”
Here’s how to enjoy those suckers all-year round, whether you’re lookin’ to fry ’em, sautee ’em, or eat right out of ’em.
LGBT protection laws are gaining steam in Kentucky and Indiana, some otters are in a hammock right now, Portgual’s inching toward gay adoption, Seoul’s national university just elected a lesbian President, and this tortoise in here is WEARING HER SON AS A HAT.
Being solo poly, pick-up strategies for queer sex, vulva emojis, when more sex does and doesn’t lead to more happiness (and an important caveat), and more
Molly followed Sharpe Suiting’s founder and CEO, Leon Wu, around with her camera for a day and learned all about his LA-based company that creates gender-neutral ready-to-wear clothing and custom suits (and now dresses!) for all body types and all identities.
Tumblr released the capacity to make gifs this week. Where else can we get our gif-mkaing creativity on? These apps have got us covered.
“ANDY! You can’t have a crush on someone who is paying us to live here.”
Mimi Whiteman deals with the fallout of her upended threesome with Lucious on Empire, it’s time to talk about Once Upon a Time for real, Grey’s Anatomy keeps getting magnificently gayer, and Carmilla definitely did something to Perry.
The brand has a 100% “No Photoshop” policy, and takes pride in showcasing natural attributes such as body hair, cellulite, stretch marks, scars and freckles.
It would be like Rachel’s “Helping you Help Yourself,” but with more of a Stef vibe and maybe just a series of gifs or images with captions that get right to the heart of the matter. Like “DON’T GO TO WORK LATE, ASSHOLE.”
Topics include private policing in Detroit, The Hunger Games, AirBnB, the Troubled Teen boot camp, women’s prison, Zola’s true story, being a guest star on “Friends” and moar!
We have two new things in the autostraddle merch store for you and one of those things is a holiday sweater and the other is a kickass Gal Pal hoodie!
Y’all sure have a lot of strong feelings about Slytherin.
Every winter I try to find the widest, longest, thickest knits and wrap myself up in an almost mummy-state so that I can keep from crying. How are you staying warm?
“Trauma wasn’t meant to happen at 9 a.m. on that August morning. Not when I was running on time, and somehow missed the long line for the day’s first cup of coffee. Nothing could have warned me that the meticulous construction of my person would be unraveled while my peers watched from their own cocoons of solitude.”
One time I went with a friend to the hardware store and helped her pick out an S-Drill for her girlfriend. Now they’re married and live together in Indiana. Coincidence? I think not.
What does Monster have to do with The Hunger Games and Katniss Everdeen? You’re about to find out.
This post is 25% Mey Rude Appreciation Club and 75% “personal essays by trans women oh my gosh how do I pick only 16.” (I picked 17.)
“In 2013 I was too ill to work, living on disability benefits, and had just dropped out of my masters degree. I was introduced to the world of lifestyle design, which then led me to the world of online business. Here were all these people, working from home/travelling, and running fun businesses from their laptops. About 2 months in I was making more than enough to live off, had doubled my rates and was hovering around fully booked…and now I’m a full-time, accidentally permanent VA!”