The Comment Awards are Thankful for Autostraddle’s Brilliant Commenters
A-Camp workshop ideas, a brand new lesbian bar and arson!
A-Camp workshop ideas, a brand new lesbian bar and arson!
Gentrification in NYC, Leelah Alcorn Highway, teeth, positive tweets, awkward conversations, and so much more!
Ten of the best most relevant Black Friday deals you can get online at stores like Uniqlo, Wildfang and ThinkGeek, your code for 20% off all Autostraddle merch, and a quickie rundown of site-wide sales relevant to your interests. Plus, all these companies have affiliate accounts with Autostraddle!
I hope somebody brought mashed potatoes! Welcome to your Thanksgiving / Not-Thanksgiving-If-You-Don’t-Live-in-the-US Feelings Atrium!
Whether you’re staying in, waiting in line, or buying a big-screen TV online at 12:01 AM, you could probably use a little more Drake, anyway.
Changes and layoffs at Gawker and a rebuttal from Wonkette, layoffs at pretty much every print magazine ever, FHM folds ’cause dudes are embarrassed to be seen with it, more digital publishers are asking their readers for money, Uber drivers sound off about their actual work conditions and more!
Officer Jason Van Dyke was charged with murder after the release of the video of him killing Laquan Davis, openly gay SLC mayor Jackie Biskupski wants to build bridges with the LDS Church, Kathryn Knott’s anti-gay tweets are court evidence and more.
“Autostraddle commenters! Autostraddle readers! THE PERSON LOOKING AT THIS RIGHT NOW, BASICALLY. Y’all are our lifeblood, and I love each and every one of you.”
“Let us remember that we become the stories we tell.” Also: an early Horcrux, books women should not read, monstrous bad spelling and more.
Carol and Tangerine snagged nine Independent Sprit Award nominations, Pretty Little Liars gives hints about the time jump, Rosie arrives on Empire, and Sarah Paulson thinks love is a bitch.
You have no idea how long it took me to figure out that this was the only definitive takeaway from this particular data analysis.
“Summon all the indignation you can muster and pretend you are shouting down a Planned Parenthood opposer.”
This week, Leisha Hailey performs an exquisite drum solo, Jasika Nicole designs a gluten-free shirt and Ruby Rose stares meaningfully out of a hotel window, pondering all of life’s mysteries.
Eve has been there since Annalise’s Slytherin beginnings on How to Get Away with Murder and there’s a good chance Luisa’s other mother is also a crime lord on Jane the Virgin.
Like, I think about buying a coffee and then am like “no no self, you can’t do that – you would need to speak to a person.”
Kevin Swanson, the pastor Huckabee and Jindal and Cruz are courting, ramps up his unhinged anti-gay rhetoric. Donald Trump praises supporters who ambushed an activist at one of his rallies. Five Black Lives Matter protesters were shot by a white supremacist in Minneapolis. And the KKK is alive and well and gay-bashing in Florida.
All comics are Girl Comics, but the ones on these list are some of the best ones.
Book people get the books they want for themselves, so get your bibliophile these non-book book gifts instead!
It’s a new and exciting womens tee just in time to buy your girlfriend one for the holidays whaaat.
This month on the A+cast we’re nailin’ it — literally and figuratively — with tales of nails in all their meanings. On your hands, in carpentry, in a super cool queer nail salon, at A Camp — they’re everywhere these days!