Prop 8 Undergoes Another Review, Not Going To Supreme Court Just Yet
Just kidding, we have to wait even longer before Prop 8 goes to the Supreme Court.
Just kidding, we have to wait even longer before Prop 8 goes to the Supreme Court.
“We are encouraging the civil rights of all citizens of the state and are against being signaled out or targeted by a particular constitutional amendment or legislative action.”
“On Tuesday, Christie called the push by Democrats to pass the legislation in the face of his veto threat a pointless form of “political theater” that is a distraction from the state’s more pressing problems.”
In which people are irrationally insulting to female servicemembers.
A Virginia school district is thinking about a rule that would prohibit “cross-gender dressing” in a backwards attempt at addressing bullying.
“But from a legal standpoint, how we reach an outcome is every bit as important as the outcome that we reach.”
Hey guess what — using racial caricatures and stereotypes in your political ads won’t make you the most popular guy in the senate elections!
Salon digs in to the life story of Gay Marriage’s Enemy Number One, Maggie Gallagher and reveals new insights into exactly how she got this way.
Who’s Justice Anthony Kennedy and how is he gonna feel about Prop 8?
“In the past, executive orders setting standards for contractors have not only put an American ideal of equal opportunity into practice; they have also helped show employers that ending discrimination is good for business.”
Judge Vaughn Walker’s ruling against Prop 8 is upheld!
“Every time a loudspeaker crackled in class, kids braced themselves for the feared preamble, ‘We’ve had a tragic loss.'”
“One form of discrimination ignored or even sanctioned by many states for too long has been discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.”
It’s theoretically possible that same-sex marriage could be legal in Washington as early as June!
Did you know that one in five trans people does not have stable housing? Obama’s administration does!
Check out the Black Community Spotlight at Gallery Bar on Tuesday, Jan. 31st if you’re in NYC, and online if you’re not!
An Arkansas newspaper refuses to run a gay couple’s engagement announcement because the two can’t legally marry. This is obnoxious and ass backwards.
News, commentary, interviews and activism! Being smarter is how you make new friends and have the shiniest hair.
“I will not go back to the days when Wall Street was allowed to play by its own set of rules.”
“What we’re asking you to do is vote in favor of civil rights. Not what your district says,”