OPEN THREAD: Get In Here and Spend Christmakwanzakah With a Bunch of Queermos
Queer holiday depression, a trans princess book, reading Lolita under the patriarchy, Eileen Myles on Transparent, books lists and more.
There are historical reasons why artificial turf has come to be used so widely, but very few of them have to do with improving gameplay.
In 2015 we’ve met or got reacquainted with some extremely hot masculine-of-center women or otherwise identified queers. Here’s 10 sexy studs worth swooning over.
This week, a bunch of famous people made cute faces while doing enviable things. I didn’t change out of my pajamas or talk to another living soul for two full days. Who wore it best?!??!!
The ladies of Litchfield perform ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas, Tina Fey and Amy Poehler spoof Carol, Pretty Little Liars is calling it quits, and many more queer stories from the website pages.
Topics include being both YouTube famous and broke, Nieman Lab’s predictions for journalism in 2016, the year’s funniest media corrections, productive things to do while job-hunting, a new website for conservative women, LGBT folks and people of color, and moar!
These women mounted movements, won awards, told important stories, and otherwise shook the sh*t out of this planet in 2015.
The Lily 2 is the first-ever scented vibrator. Other than that, it’s excellent.
“I DID get hit on by a man at a lesbian bar on Saturday night. It made me feel very free and also like a pastry.”
A federal judge ruled a lesbian couple can move forward with their lawsuit against Pepperdine University for discrimination, a grand jury in Texas decided not to indict anyone in connection with the death of Sandra Bland but the case isn’t closed yet, Ty Underwood’s murderer was sentenced to life in prison and more news.
Given the one-year deferral requirement for MSM and women who have sex with MSM, it seems unlikely that the adjustment in policy will majorly impact the supply of available blood
“That’s right!” I shouted, feeding off their energy. “Clap because I’m gay!”
Which former supermodel can boast being both a mechanic and Angelina’s ex? None other than Jenny Shimizu. Growing up under the influence of a laid-back West Coast upbringing combined with a lengthy career in fashion means that Jenny possesses a unique and enviable style.
While I’ve been busy writing about the Autostraddle Comic Awards and what comics you should buy for the holidays, an entire Lumberjanes storyline happened!
This Bee is chock full of holiday treats — we have a Brittani coloring page for you, a recap of a straddler holiday party, a rousing game of “Guess the Christmas Movie Plot Based Only On the Title”, and a playlist of ’90s songs for rocking around the Christmas tree.
For me, making tamales is a way for me to connect with my mother, to feel like her daughter, and to take parts of herself that she’s passing down and make them a part of myself.
Drink pairings for your uncomfortable conversations this week, I make up a new emoji cereal, Star Wars a little, comebacks to racist stuff, videos you can watch and enjoy, black Hermione Granger and so very much more!
Do you know what are the the most bacteria-laden things in a public bathroom? Your damn hands. And they’re the things most likely to transfer those nasty germs to places: like other people, and your face.
I’m not interested in the kiddie theme park variety made of cream soda and syrup from a squeeze bottle; I want hot, alcoholic, grown-ass woman butterbeer.