Politics + Activism

Houston’s Equal Rights Ordinance Needs HEROs to Protect LGBT Citizens from Discrimination

It’s gonna be a close race in Houston as it decides if a nondiscrimination ordinances passes, there’s a bunch of other municipal elections happening that you should keep an eye on, Queer Undocumented Immigrant Project has a new survey to gather stories and data on LGBTQ immigrant experiences, the AP uncovered over 1,000 cases where law enforcement officers committed a sex crime and more news stories.

First Person

Winter Is Coming: Diary of a SAD Girl #1

“Time Change Sunday is my personal gateway to hell. It gets dark earlier (and then earlier and earlier). It gets cold in the morning and night (and then stays cold all day and all day). I stay inside to keep warm and then I stay inside because I don’t want to leave and then I stay inside because I can’t get out of bed.”