36 One-Pan and One-Pot Recipes to Save You From Washing the Dishes
Do yourself a favor and keep your kitchen a little cleaner tonight: Make a meal that asks of you but one simple pot or pan for its creation.
Do yourself a favor and keep your kitchen a little cleaner tonight: Make a meal that asks of you but one simple pot or pan for its creation.
The Georgia House got (even) gayer thanks to Park Cannon, a bunch of homophobes accidentally helped out a lot of LGBT kids, Portugal made big moves to end street harassment, and more news you can use to fill your heart with joy!
Bad literary sex scenes, what romance means, sex ed and disability, how to have car sex and more.
Twitter released its new algorithm, which means it’s the perfect time for you to take back control of what you see in your feed.
“My home is in my heart.”
Clarke and Lexa’s road trip is cut short on The 100, everyone confesses to everything on HTGAWM, Broad City lays Ilana’s crush on thick, and Meredith is FINE, Y’ALL on Grey’s Anatomy.
“I can’t tell you how ready I am for this roundtable. I mean, in the sense that I live it daily.”
Come eat food made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders! No, just kidding. We’re just hanging out and chatting it up in this Friday Open Thread.
We’ve got pre-camp flirting, Barbie, beavers and so much more!
If the performer had known that I write about the horrific violence against my community by day and process the trauma of that work in my journal by night, maybe he wouldn’t have made that joke. But I bet you he would have resented the implication that he shouldn’t.
“These lawmakers don’t say that they’re trying to address a problem that actually exists, but instead are supporting the bill in order to fight off transgender boogeymen that live only in their heads.”
This recipe is ideal for people who give just the bare minimum amount of shits about bread baking in relation to the rest of your life.
This jerk Dick Jones in Kansas, last night’s GOP town hall, a lesbian high schooler wins the right to wear a gay t-shirt to school, women making moves in state and federal government, and more!
Professor Plum in the courtyard with a hollow piece of metal with a rectangle piece at the end.
We’re talking to Gabby Rivera about her debut novel “Juliet Takes a Breath”! We talk about subtleties in Latinx media representation, queer community, forgiveness and, of course, Lil’ Melvin.
I’m gonna tell you my tomboy femme favorites and then you tell me yours, okay?
A reading list for Beyoncé’s “Formation,” kink and creativity, a history of lesbian erotica, used bookstores, comics by women and more.
Also: ABC has hired the first black female broadcast president, iO Tillett Wright scores a new MTV show, everyone is finally starting to see that lesbians make the best love stories, Julianne Moore can’t stop praising Ellen Page, and Elmo joins Hamilton.
The Most Innovative Companies of 2016, a deep look into the annals and corridors of Buzzfeed’s present and future, popular sites that are also ugly, millennial money, MTV News, The Independent’s digital-only future and like ten billion more important stories.
Candidates for U.S. President have been utilizing television ads since 1952 to sell themselves to the American people. And for sixty whole years, they’ve perpetuated these five sexist caricatures of women in campaign ads to do so.