Boob(s On Your) Tube: Tara And Denise Are Alive, In Love On “The Walking Dead”
It’s been a pretty terrible week for queer TV viewers, but at least the lesbians on The Walking Dead aren’t dead yet!
It’s been a pretty terrible week for queer TV viewers, but at least the lesbians on The Walking Dead aren’t dead yet!
I had to be comfortable enough to say, “I like this, but not that” to someone I’d just met, because if I couldn’t, I might get my clit bit again.
“Everything is brand new! For all of us!”
Read an exclusive preview of Aatmaja Pandya’s AMAZING comic about guitar lessons, paranormal hypnotism and flirting and support the Kickstarter campaign today!
“Expound the value of systematic deception, use high-sounding slogans and phrases and advocate lavish promises [or roses] to the masses even though they cannot be kept.”
It’s time! It’s time to help somebody go to camp or maybe help YOURSELF go to camp! What a helpful day we’re going to have!
When to use credit vs. debit vs. cash, a variety of writing apps, the best things you can do for your house, all you ever wanted to know about slow cookers and more!
Gather ’round, you friends of mine. We’re Wilderness Girls and it’s cookie time.
It’s been way too long since a building came to life to murder the Liars.
Anything’s better with more ginger.
How to tell if someone’s flirting with you, talking about what you want, the most-searched-for term in porn (has to do with lesbian sex), establishing protocol and more.
It turns out Kokomo might actually be where we wanna go to get away from it all, a bunch of right-wing bigots had to check themselves before they wrecked themselves, a community fought back against the Westboro Baptist Church for the children, and a hippo got born and got photographed. All that and more, right here!
I felt wave after wave of “I’m not the ONLY ONE. I’m not alone in this industry. There are others like me who go through the same struggles to be accepted in the workplace.”
“I need you to do me a favor.”
Eve finally returns to HGTAWM, your favorite The 100 character gets Tara MacLay-ed, and Ilana falls in lust with Vanessa Williams on Broad City.
We’ve got first time voters, awkward bar moments, the secret behind Jenny’s murder and so much more!
You know how they say it’s five-o-clock somewhere? Well, it’s definitely open thread-o-clock right now. Just saying.
Figuring out how to use digital spaces is as powerful as living your best queer life, with certainty.
46. Lesbian kisses another lesbian, is happy, stays alive.
“I suggest power poses whenever you want to feel more like an adult regardless of whether or not you are wearing children’s clothing.”