Jane Lynch and Rachel Maddow Switch Seats and Discuss Gay Marriage
Rachel and Jane dish about gay media representation and gay marriage on The Rachel Maddow Show. So this is basically relevant to every interest you’ve ever had, ever.
Rachel and Jane dish about gay media representation and gay marriage on The Rachel Maddow Show. So this is basically relevant to every interest you’ve ever had, ever.
If you’ve been reading about Sarah McBride elsewhere on the Internet, you may already have realized that when she came out, the world cracked open. Or at least it shook.
President Obama announced he supports same-sex marriage, and then what happened?
Maybe young people aren’t going to be the saviors of the campaign for equal rights for gays.
In high school Mitt Romney and his friends jumped some kid and forcibly cut off all his hair while he screamed and cried. Romney thinks this is mostly NBD.
Keaton Fuller is the only gay kid at his Catholic high school – and it wasn’t even that bad until Monday.
“I have never seen a community mount such a forceful, unified, creative response to a collective threat. I have never had so many neighbors tell me, “Your battle is mine too.”
Obama has just announced he personally supports gay marriage.
Now that marriage equality has passed in New York state, one organization is turning its attention towards gender identity protection in the workplace.
Joe Biden finished “evolving” a long time ago, it seems.
The Violence Against Women Act was going to be updated to include protections for gay people, undocument immigrants, and Native American communities, but House Republicans are doing their best to make sure it isn’t.
Lizz’s Team Pick: Rachel Maddow drops some serious knowledge about gender based wage inequality in basically the most amazing video ever. It gets real.
Rep. Zach Wyatt of Missouri came out as a “proud gay man” on the floor of the House.
The gay foreign policy spokesman Romney hired tolerated about two weeks of B.S. before jumping ship — yep, it’s gotten that bad over there.
North Carolina’s anti-gay Amendment 1 looks like it might succeed.
Once upon a time, Mitt Romney was governor of Massachusetts, and he wasn’t quite as anti-gay as conservatives might like.
By which they mean a Financial Speculation Tax (Fi.S.T.)
Mitt Romney’s spokesman is openly gay, and the AFA’s Bryan Fischer is very upset about it.
Legendary video stars Haviland Stillwell and Ashley Reed made this amazing video to “raise awareness about Super PACs” and it’s SO WEIRD and I think you’d like it.