Daily Fix 3.27.09 – Return to Pancake Mountain with Labor Pains and Glory in Delaware
Lindsay Lohan has a new movie, Bitch Magazine has a feature on GaybiGAYGAY, and Joe Solmonese has a bigger salary than you. Maybe.
Lindsay Lohan has a new movie, Bitch Magazine has a feature on GaybiGAYGAY, and Joe Solmonese has a bigger salary than you. Maybe.
Marriages and civil unions in Vermont and Hawaii are being opposed by douchebags, and runaway LGBT teens in New York City may be left in the cold without funding. But the good news is that Rachel Maddow made us a drink.
Guys, meet Crystal! Obama appoints a lesbian as Chief Judge of US Court of Federal Claims, there is a new French movie with sexy/psycho lesbian sex, and we are confused about Meghan McCain.
eHarmony.com sponsors the gays even though we’re not allowed in and RuPaul is making a comback!
Sarah Haskins is funny, Obama is stuck, Kentucky is hateful, and Tyra is weird and also a robot.
“Truer” wants us to look at love, gender, and beauty; Illinois might join the Marriage Equality party; and MTV’s got Pedro.