GChatting For Freedom: The First Presidential Debate
“I’m going to live my whole life and die right here in front of my laptop while Romney talks.”
“I’m going to live my whole life and die right here in front of my laptop while Romney talks.”
The Department of Homeland Security has now drafted up written guidelines for binational and immigrant same-sex couples and families to now be considered “low-priority” in deportation cases.
Judge Robert Simpson ruled that “authorities had not done enough to ensure that potential voters had access to the new documents.”
Barney Frank is the latest and greatest oral historian for the Mitt Gets Worse project.
“As a regular recipient of Gmail and Facebook ads for dog food and gay cruises, I’m well aware that companies are trying to make money off my personal information. While it’s a little creepy but expected that Target will try to use my private information to market to me, I hold the Canadian government to much higher standards.”
Eight NOLA preachers were apprehended in conjunction with New Orleans’ “aggressive solicitation” ordinance, which instructs people to not “loiter or congregate on Bourbon Street for the purpose of disseminating any social, political or religious message between the hours of sunset and sunrise,” and now the ordinance is gone.
Did you know that you can vote in US elections from abroad? Our constitutional rights to vote don’t go away when we wave goodbye to the U.S. border for an extended period of time.
Team Closet vs Team Cure, battling to come up with the best (read: worst) way to force heterosexuality on queers.
“I do not regret that our daughter has Sophie and I as parents. I do regret that she lives in a world where some will tell her that her family is not normal. “
With the upcoming U.S. Presidential election getting All The Press And Attention, here’s a few reasons why you shouldn’t let your local election go unnoticed.
If you don’t have anything nice to say, maybe don’t run for President?
“When I see lesbian couple after lesbian couple with not only matching haircuts and clothes but matching skin colours, I feel alone.”
“But we also believe in something called citizenship citizenship, a word at the very heart of our founding, a word at the very essence of our democracy, the idea that this country only works when we accept certain obligations to one another and to future generations.”
For the first time, there is at least one LGBT delegate from every state. Obviously, the time of LGBT influence is now.
Seriously, why are we not voting for this woman yet?
Our least favorite conservative gay group should have made a dance video instead.
Over on their DC Decoder page, the Christian Science Monitor published a helpful guide on where both President Obama and Mittsy stand on what they at their newspaper call “gay issues” but what I like to call “issues that concern U.S. citizens who are also humans.”
Or, “The One Where Clint Eastwood Does That Thing With The Chair, Oh My God.”
For better or for worse, “pussy” is on the tip of everyone’s tongue — is its magical naughtiness about to be sacrificed in the name of reclaiming?
A new anti-homophobia ad has come out in Australia and it made me tear up a little bit. Luckily, I won’t have to see anything like them in America.