Army Of Hipster Celeb Ladies Wants You To Vote
Cara’s Team Pick: And they’re not too cool to [pretend to] sing about it.
Cara’s Team Pick: And they’re not too cool to [pretend to] sing about it.
“Am I voting for Romney? Let me just check to see if I still have a pussy.”
Bryan Lindquist, head of anti-gay Parents Action League, is an ex-gay “therapist” who calls AIDS “Gay-Related Immune Deficiency.”
“So while the “binders full of women” were in fact real, and not an imaginary item to be mocked, they weren’t exactly something Mitt can take credit for.”
Edie Windsor isn’t the only victor in round two; things are looking up for everyone.
We often talk about the different ways we as a community can reclaim words, but what about when an individual actually does it?
ABC News spent a lot of time telling you what all the cool kids were tweeting about. We live tweeted the debate and sounded marginally cooler. Join us for a fun adventure in “none of us could gchat so we decided to do this instead.”
Kate’s Team Pick: Being able to see the quilt in its entirety is probably the most intense experience of the NAMES project to date.
Raised in Virginia by a formerly Mormon White mother and a Black father employed in academia, Harris-Perry’s life is as layered as the points she’s so damned good at making.
“It felt so divorced from having known me, from having known somebody who’s gay. I was just stunned.”
Jane Lynch, Jesse Tyler Ferguson, Billie Jean King, George Takei, Wanda Sykes, Zachary Quinto, and Chaz Bono are leaning towards Obama.
“With all due respect that is a bunch of malarkey.”
Dr. Angela McCaskill is on paid administrative leave from her position as chief diversity officer at Gallaudet University because she signed a petition opposing gay marriage. Did the university make the right decision?
Does it really take a straight man to tell the world about prejudice against queers? Apparently, yes.
“There is someone looking out for them …and it will get better.”
If it’s clear to us that Gillard’s speech was amazing, then why are people attacking Gillard for being a hypocrite and saying she has damaged her own integrity?
We have some allies in the Republican Party. So that means they aren’t all evil. No, seriously. Hear me out.
California is making “ex-gay therapy” history, but unfortunately the rest of the country is still far behind.
“There’s this prevailing attitude that the “culture war” is some kind of ‘discussion’ that we’re all having. But you know what? Fuuuuuuck that.”
But is this really all that big of a shift?