We Won So Many Things! Obama, Same-Sex Marriage, Drugs, Rock ‘n Roll
Tonight Obama won, Tammy Baldwin won, Todd Akin lost, some states legalized marijuana and voted for marriage equality in four states!
Tonight Obama won, Tammy Baldwin won, Todd Akin lost, some states legalized marijuana and voted for marriage equality in four states!
Today is a very important day for our country: America will vote for a president and everybody in Canada is watching.
Cara’s Team Pick: Here’s hoping that by tomorrow this website will be unnecessary.
Election-related reads! Topics include The Ballot Cops, Obama circa 1993, Joan Didion on John Kerry, “the politics of personality destruction,” Red States/Blue States , the history of voting and so much more!
The Stonewall Awards recognizes individuals for outstanding acts of bigotry but banks, backers and bigots are less than thrilled.
In a perfect example of how this campaign is becoming an elementary-school-style cry for attention, Americans’ evenings were recently rudely interrupted when they were texted anti-gay and anti-Obama messages.
This is what’s going on — and a place to comment if you know of underserved areas of the country in need of help who aren’t getting the press coverage they need.
This shit never gets old – stupidity ranging from Ohio to Iowa and from Katrina to Sandy.
Despite being held up as incontrovertible proof of the evils of gay parenting, Regnerus claims he “[took] pains in the study to say this is not about saying gay or lesbian parents are inherently bad.”
Yes, voting is probably the single most important thing you can do on Election Day in the United States (November 6th!) But it’s not the only important thing you can do on Election Day.
A crazy pastor thinks that all your scissoring caused Hurricane Sandy, and Romney thinks FEMA is a bad idea. And you thought Halloween was the scariest thing happening today.
Lesbian democrats, gay republicans, and assorted ignorant fools are all working in the same industry: politics.
The world’s only graduate LGBTQ policy journal is seeking submissions! Get your proposals together by November 9th.
Debates, protests and ridiculous videos over same-sex marriage aren’t limited to this side of the Atlantic.
Obama has announced his support of Washington, Maryland and Maine’s marriage equality initiatives! Hopefully most voters will agree with him, because the polls sure are close!
This afternoon, Barack Obama did indeed become the first sitting president to take advantage of early voting in person. The message behind these actions? You too can cast your vote. Right now.
Something is ch-ch-ch-ch-changing over at Change.org, but unlike the Bowie song, someone definitely wants to be a richer man.
The hypothetical future is looking dim.
A gay person said this: “as [Romney’s] record as Governor of Massachusetts suggests, will not waste his precious time in office with legislative attacks on LGBT Americans.”
In large part, though, more than individual issues, this debate showcased how each candidate would approach the fact that America is only one citizen of the globe, and has to interact with many other nations and governments.