Society + Culture

Laura’s Team Pick: Addictions and Musings

One-half tumblr, one-half diary, Isabella’s blog is good procrastination station if you’re looking to bask in Rihanna’s glowy glowy glow or for a reminder that even though school can be exasperating, it can be really funny if you just look at it the right way.

Society + Culture

Do Lesbians Need Rules for the Gay Girl/Straight Girl Friendship?

Gawker’s laid out the rules of a gay man/straight man friendship just in time for Super Bowl. Is it different for girls? The Daily Show tackles men who need to reclaim their manhood, and old men who need to be kicked out of the senate for getting in the way of everyone else overturning DADT. FoxNews keeps calling Rachel Maddow a “man,” CNN does Real Sex dolls, gay Mardi Gras in Sydney, another queer high school and more!

Society + Culture

U of Oregon Gay & Lesbian Student Alliance Office Vandalized, Neo-Nazi-Style

The University of Oregon in Eugene is one of this country’s most gay-friendly campuses, but this weekend vandals hit their LGBTQA office with swastikas. This comes amid growing controversy over The Pacifica Forum, a SPLC-labeled white nationalist “hate group,” holding its meetings on campus. We speak the University’s LGBTQA center volunteer coordinator about campus climate in the wake of the vandalism, and how she hopes this tragedy will provide an opportunity for the student body to open dialogue and inspire change.

Society + Culture

Why is Ted Haggard on my TV, Being All “Cured” of Homo? OH! His Wife’s New Memoir!

Evangelical preacher and “converted” sinner/homoesexual Ted Haggard’s wife has a new memoir, “Why She Stayed,” so the duo is back on TV, spreading their psuedo-love. And people seem to like it. Also; the ex-lesbian Mom is still on the run, has Twitter peaked?, a funny look at the iPad, nightclub Miami showdown, gay superbowl ads, and women who drink a lot!

Society + Culture

Canada Votes Lucas Silveria Sexiest Man, Trans Kids Hurting in US Schools (#goodnewsverybadnews)

Lucas Silveira nabbed Sexiest Man in ChartAttack’s 2009 Awards. New research confirms existing research about harsh realities for trans and gender-nonconforming youth in US Schools. Obama might talk about DADT in the State of the Union tomorrow. The Moscow mayor thinks gay pride parades are Satanic. The HRC tells you where to work. And Chicago might appoint a lez to the city council.

Society + Culture

Emily’s Team Pick: List of Phobias

I used to go to the list of phobias in grade 8 and pick the funniest/strangest phobias and send them to my friends. I came across it again when I was googling ‘hippopotamus’ and google suggested ‘hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia’. Obvs my interest was peaked. Ironically enough, it’s the fear of long words.

Society + Culture

Forget the Economy. It’s the Gay Sex, Stupid!

You think the economy is f*cking up America? Nope, says Peggy Noonan at the Wall Street Journal: it’s Adam Lambert. Also the first gay wedding in Martha Stewart Living, rugby player Gareth Thomas comes out, FDNY investigates why two EMTs let Eutisha die, feminism is dead?, quadruplets accepted to Yale, Professor Foxy answers a poly-trans-queer’s dating concerns and TIME’s “person of the year” is always a dude so Broadsheet has some lady-suggestions. Also a funny video about B-Roll!

Society + Culture

Because Really Who Isn’t a Sex, Food, Internet & Shopping Addict?

Our favorite person from “Sex Rehab,” Duncan the gay, dishes on why Dr. Drew doesn’t really know it all and how the show was manipulated, looks at America’s addiction to labeling everything an addiction and in Britan all the girls are drunk. Also; “The Princess and the Frog” is a feminist fairytale, TARGET WOMAN wraps up ’09, Medieval Herstory, the world from your window, and where size 4 is “fat.”