Supreme Court Decides It Is Not Currently Taking Action on Gay Marriage
The Supreme Court took no action today on Prop 8 or on cases dealing with DOMA.
The Supreme Court took no action today on Prop 8 or on cases dealing with DOMA.
The Third Committee of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) made great strides in terms of LGBT rights when it voted to keep sexual orientation and include gender identity in a resolution condemning executions for reasons of discrimination.
French President François Hollande spoke to a congregation of mayors on Tuesday, leaving many incensed. Instead of blaming others for their misinterpretation, Hollande acts like a human being and owns up to his mistake.
“Transportation with intent to engage in criminal sexual activity, possession of child pornography, and five counts of sexual exploitation of children.” YIKES.
“Through the vigil, we express love and respect for our people in the face of national indifference and hatred.”
Last Spring, a school district in Utah removed a book after 25 parents signed a petition for its removal. But decisions about access to age appropriate reading material shouldn’t be left up to 25 parents, so the ACLU is suing.
I think about how to avoid street harassment, sexual assault and rape every single day. ‘Project Unspoken: I Am Tired Of The Silence’ could be the beginning of a conversation that can maybe give voice to exactly how awful that is.
“If the institution is in need of an update, is the inclusion of gay marriage enough to jumpstart a healthier version of marriage?”
Malaika’s Team Pick: The opposition to marriage equality will fade away to never-never relevant-land as proponents for marriage equality keep winning, and winning, and winning some more.
Kristen’s Team Pick: #dayssincethelastprominenthomophobewascaughtinagaysexscandal isn’t just a hashtag.
“For even one vote to come out in favor of gay marriage only three years later would have been historic; the fact that all four states did so is nothing short of incredible.”
Crystal’s Team Pick: Holly Miranda and iO Tillett Wright have launched a relief effort for areas of New York affected by hurricane Sandy. Here’s how you can get behind it.
Four states made progress on same-sex marriage, but someone didn’t get the memo.
Everyone (except FOX News agrees): Republicans lost the Senate and presidency this year because they aren’t paying attention to the demographic and opinion changes in the U.S. But will their base let them make this change?
But seriously, let’s get to the actually important stuff and talk about the lady with the flag in her hair and Donald Trump’s Twitter tantrum.
Here’s what he can do with his time now that he has to find a way to bide it.
“Whether [President Banda] will be able to overcome centuries of entrenched homophobia and help Malawi become one of the few African countries without anti-gay laws remains to be seen, but her political savvy and credentials in the women’s rights movement make her a fairly strong candidate.”
Rachel’s Team Pick: “Theory is different from real life, but it helps us figure out how to live.”
A gay man in Florida reports being abused at the hands of his Christian group home. However, this is only the start of Florida’s problems with religion and the foster care system.
A self-proclaimed “Professional Gay” and the woman behind the provocative essay rebuffing Paul Ryan’s RNC speech, Sally Kohn also happens to be the most optimistic person we’ve ever spoken to about politics.