What Really Happened With The Gap Lesbian Avengers Pride T-Shirt
The Gap did not steal lesbian artist Carrie Moyer’s design and put it on a Pride shirt… because Carrie sold it to them.
The Gap did not steal lesbian artist Carrie Moyer’s design and put it on a Pride shirt… because Carrie sold it to them.
Given the poor protections for tenants, the economic fallout and the chronic lack of access to affordable housing and healthcare, America’s housing crisis has only deepened since the pandemic began.
Our anger can be a tool of resistance in a post-pandemic world. Instead of burying or relinquishing it, we should learn to use it.
Going viral holding a sign that reads “My grandpa didn’t survive Auschwitz to bomb Gaza,” is not how I planned to start a conversation with my family condemning Israel’s actions against the Palestinian people. I’m not the only Jewish person who has long chosen to self-silence rather than stand with my values, but it’s not too late for other Jewish people to join me. The moment for Jewish-Palestinian solidarity is now.
COVID returns to the forefront of this week’s Extra! Extra! as we look at the outbreak of COVID in India and the threats posed by variants across the globe. We look at the one thing that’s proving stronger than COVID: capitalism and how that’s impacting our recovery. The team also examines new developments on the immigration and criminal justice fronts and ponder what it means to hear the president tell transgender Americans he’s got their backs.
An illustrated breakdown of the over 100 bills in state legislatures restricting trans youth’s access to healthcare and sports.
Endless conversations on dialectical materialism, class wars, and late-stage capitalism do little to address the current realities that plague visibly non-white people, trans people, and sex workers. The violent realities of capitalism have real, tangible consequences for people most affected by white supremacist violence and the constant refrain of “do the reading” does nothing to address them.
A former sex worker explains why new anti-porn legislation won’t stop images of child sexual abuse from proliferating on the internet.
This week’s Extra! Extra! takes a look at the latest criminal justice news in the wake of more police brutality and the Chauvin ruling, more perspectives on capitalist exploitations after the failed Bessemer union vote, LGBTQ+ news and, of course, the pandemic.
This series will offer real, practical knowledge to readers who are living through the pandemic’s aftershock. Deadline for submissions is May 7!
The news these last few weeks has been… a lot. This week’s Extra! Extra! takes a look at the devastating anti-trans legislation just passed in Arkansas, the Chauvin trial, voter suppression, the pandemic that is not yet over even if we’re all pretending it is and more.
Pizza Klatch is a vital safe space for 300-400+ youth who attend groups each week where they learn to self-advocate, build community, develop confidence, and easily access resources as they explore and develop their identities.
Trans activists in Puerto Rico insist they are not a distraction, but central to the struggle for independence.
Despite New York’s progressive reputation, it ranks among the top states for anti-trans violence. What are the factors that contribute to the plight of trans New Yorkers?
The Lone Star state has repeatedly attempted to take life-saving resources away from trans people.
Trans people have been reported as experiencing an epidemic of violence. But why does the violence happen in the first place?
Louisiana is in the top three states for the highest amount of anti-trans violence. Remnants of laws from the 1800s continue to trap trans people in a cycle of abuse.
This week’s Extra! Extra! brings you news on a smattering of issues: more anti-trans legislation and rising transphobia in the U.K. alongside a ruling in Japan striking down the ban on same-sex marriage, more perspectives on the shooting in Atlanta, what exactly is happening at the U.S. border, an early look at the Chauvin trial and more.
“As always, the slew of anti-trans legislation is about sending a clear signal about who is and is not welcome in society, about whose life does and does not carry value, about who can and cannot access basic human rights.”
In this week’s Extra! Extra! Natalie weighs in on the significance of this moment and also gives us a grounded perspective on whether or not the 117th Congress will succeed in passing non-discrimination protections for LGBTQ+ people where the 116th failed. We also look at American extremism, the vaccine roll out, the climate crisis and a smattering of domestic and global news.