Playlist: Solo Mujeres
Perdóname, but Selena sometimes just doesn’t cut it.
Perdóname, but Selena sometimes just doesn’t cut it.
Close your eyes, make a wish, and blow out the candlelight, if you can have successful sex to this playlist then you’re really in love.
I feel like a long-distance relationship is sometimes built on the mountain in-between a memory and a waking dream. Here’s some music from the borderline.
2.5 hours of tunes, because we know how long brunch takes.
There’s a feminist anthem out there for you. Or, rather, in here.
A playlist full of walking-down-the-street-in-your-own-happy-music-video music.
Hymns for a 3 a.m. waffle brunch situation
Who are the QPOC or POC artists that we bob and weave to on an everyday basis? In the spirit of our A-Camp QPOC group The Speakeasy, here is a Block Party playlist for everyone to enjoy.
Sometimes you think your life is gonna look one way, and then it turns out to actually be another way. Here’s your musical journey from heart-smash to bird-land!
Just because it’s summer doesn’t mean your neverending avalanche of feelings has abated.
Morning is a glorious time. Morning with you weirdos is even better.
No matter what you like to do to express your own personal brand of Femme, this music will help you get there.
Do you know which former Disney child star wrote the lyric, “If the light is off then it isn’t on”?
Let’s all talk about our crushes and listen to crush music and pine over dreamboats forever
Won’t you join me in clinging to the past while yearning for the future?
Camp camp camp camp camp camp camp camp camp camp camp camp camp camp camp camp EVERYBODY
“what if grace made a playlist that was done in the persona of a baby bear ending hibernation and coming out of their cave for the first time since winter, would that make this day better”
That girl thinks she’s the queen of the neighborhood.
We open with two of the greatest lesbian musical acts of the last two generations and close with three songs clearly selected only because their titles contain the word “diary.” In between, there are some (mostly depressing, strangely folk-y) songs that I like.