Dissent Magazine’s New Feminism Issue Will Knock You Out
Cara’s Team Pick: this quarter’s issue has articles about Facebook, Roe v. Wade, interns, and more, and is free online. Dissent is sexy!
Cara’s Team Pick: this quarter’s issue has articles about Facebook, Roe v. Wade, interns, and more, and is free online. Dissent is sexy!
And the fight for LGBT rights in the Deep South goes on.
Bank of America discriminated against a lesbian in couple in Florida. Instead of just settling for a huge sum of money like Americans in the private sector normally do when faced with legal action, HUD asked for a relatively small sum of money ($7,500) and actual policy changes.
A state in America has once again tried to eff things up for a same-sex couple!
How far right could anyone possibly be in their political or religious ideology that Westboro Baptist Church is to their left?
California’s ban on ex-gay therapy was slated to go into effect on January 1, 2013. But now, a federal court has ordered an injunction on the law, stopping it from going into effect until further hearings can be conducted.
I’m one of the countless numbers of educated young people who left the Detroit area. And it’s not just the economy, stupid, but the state’s constant refrain of anti-women, anti-labor, anti-LGBT politics that drove me away.
Ali’s Team Pick: George Takei. Just… George Takei.
“We are dying. No one should expect us to stay quiet or polite about this.”
Georgia’s got a hot new lesbian in her legislature and she’s at the helm of some pretty progressive policies.
In the wake of the Sandy Hook shooting, America is finally ready to talk about gun control. But will things really change, and if so, what must we do to make it happen?
Same-sex marriage supporters take to France’s streets to show they can be louder and wittier than the conservative right.
Two cases. Five issues. Nine Justices. Infinite possibilities.
Sweden’s sports officials have no time for homophobic bullshit, leaving Sörskogens IF players with plenty of time on their hands.
Sage Smith is a 19-year-old trans* woman from Charlottesville, Virginia. She’s been missing since November, and the police have done a bang-up job of not finding her.
The Church acknowledges that “same-sex attraction is a complex reality for many people,” and goes on to conclude that “even though individuals do not choose to have such attractions, they do choose how to respond to them.”
Remember when Referendum 74 passed? Now we get to celebrate all over again.
The SPLC has filed the first-ever lawsuit against an ex-gay therapy practice for deceit.
The Supreme Court will review both Prop 8 and DOMA and consider the future of gay marriage in the US.
Marriage equality comes with a cost.