This Is How We Shatter Rape Culture
If we #EducateCoaches, we’ll be educating the next generation of men. And it’s time for them to get schooled, and I’m at the forefront of the movement to make that happen.
If we #EducateCoaches, we’ll be educating the next generation of men. And it’s time for them to get schooled, and I’m at the forefront of the movement to make that happen.
Totally qualified, totally awesome Christine Quinn wants to be the next mayor of New York City! Also, she walked down the aisle to Ave Maria… the Beyoncé version. I mean come on.
Colorado State Legislature has passed the Civil Unions bill!
The European Parliament is set to vote March 12th on a proposal that seeks to ban all forms of “pornography” from “the media” without really specifying to which pornography or media they’re referring.
In one of the most surprisingly gay-unfriendly states in the U.S., same-sex couples still can’t adopt children together. Here’s how two Hazel Park nurses are trying to change that.
I know you’ve been wondering what her favorite type of whiskey is.
The Justice Department’s amicus brief joins other ones opposed to Prop 8, including one from 75 pro-equality Republicans. This leaves a lot of questions: namely, what took them so long?
“On Wednesday, Marco McMillian was found dead on a Mississippi River levee. He was a gay man of color running for mayor of Clarksdale, Mississippi, and his death is being investigated as a homicide.”
Today the House of Representatives has finally passed the Violence Against Women Act – and it includes expanded protections for Native women and survivors in same-sex relationships.
“Yesterday it was revealed that 75 prominent Republicans have signed onto an amicus brief arguing for the legalization of gay marriage in the Supreme Court case dealing with marriage equality.”
With 75 Republicans signing on for gay marriage, how on earth will NOM stay relevant?
Carmen’s Team Pick: If you love marriage equality or Chelsea Clinton’s face, you’ll probably love this video and hate NBC for taking it away from you.
Gallup found out for you! Hint: not very.
The prospects for London Pride 2013 look bleak, but hopefully communities can change that.
Marriage equality is slowly but steadily making its way throughout Mexico, this time thanks to a little help from our own Loving v. Virginia and Brown v. Board of Education.
On Thursday, Valentine’s Day, the Illinois State Senate approved a bill which would legalize same-sex marriage!
As France gets closer to giving the nod to queer families, many French officials jump over their own prejudices to meet in the middle.
Didn’t watch the State of the Union? That’s okay, we did.
“Venker’s argument would make more sense if we lived in a world where men and women weren’t socialized differently — a place where little boys and little girls were treated the same.”
Happy #TellAFeministThankYou day! Who are you thanking? Who am I thanking? LET’S TALK ABOUT IT.