It’s Friday! Have You Seen That Comment? Where’d It Go?
Oh, you. You make us laugh every day. You are so great, we just might ask you to marry us at one giant gay polygamous wedding.
Oh, you. You make us laugh every day. You are so great, we just might ask you to marry us at one giant gay polygamous wedding.
The sun is up, the sky is blue, it’s beautiful and so are you, dear readers. And as per usual, you are fucking hi-larious.
Wanna see 100 Smokin’ Hot actual queer girls? It’s Autostraddle’s Second Annual Hot 100, and this year we asked you to submit yourself or your friends. And dayum y’all are fly. We hate to say it, but we’ve gotta: ladies — this is the way that we live.
It’s you who make this all worth while. Your comments are like shiny diamonds, which everyone knows are even better than dollars. Dollars can only be used to buy boring things like insurance. If they just legalized gay marriage already, we wouldn’t have to worry about insurance, you all could just seduce pretty girls who have secure jobs and benefits with your side-splittingly witty comments.
This is for all you girls about 25/In a little apartment, just trying to get by/Living on, on dreams and spaghetti-o’s/Wondering where you life is gonna go.
Meet Alison, our Miss May Autostraddle Calendar Girl! Alison can write a killer paragraph about nuclear fusion and looks damn good in the shower.
It was a fun week full of sunburst vaginas, Julie & Brandy’s hilarity, feminism, and lots & lots of lists! Let’s celebrate with some comment awards!
We wanna see 100 Hot Actual Lesbian/Queer/Bisexual Girls & Genderqueers. Real people. Real girls who like girls. You’re hot, right? Yeah you are. How hot is your friend? Send us her photo! How hot are YOU, Nicole Pacent? Nicol Paone? Intern Nicole? So hot. You’re reading this, send us a picture.
Hey-o lads and ladies. It’s Friday, which means it’s comment award time. This title is probs too long, but that video (you know the one I’m talking about, with Nat and Dinah Shore!) is so funny that I feel obliged to bring it up as many times as possible.
It’s Saturday, which usually means nothing, but today it means comment awards! You guys are so funny; we love you.
Hello and good afternoon. Have I told you lately that I love you? Well I’m telling you now. I love you, commenters. You are all special snowflakes.
It’s April, time for April showers of hot girls. Meet Sarah aka Miss April, rocking her boyshorts, talking about rugby, making vegan baked goods and lookin’ HAWT!
Why do people drink on St. Patrick’s day but not on April Fool’s day? This and other mysteries of life will not be answered in this week’s comment awards, but we will be giving out Internet hugs.
Obviously Hey! Did You See That Comment? Friday is a weekly occurrence and not an annual one, but I’m feeling very pomp and circumstance this week and it just felt right.
This week, Lady Gaga won everything ever but we’re still going to give you awards anyway. ‘Cause you’re just SO FUNNY!
It’s Friday! Finally! So much happened this week; we had a birthday, talked to Marisa Meltzer, and went to prom with girls. There were some haters out on the interwebs this week, but y’all beat them up them with your typical funny and smarty pants selves so do yourselves a favor and go watch the new video for ‘Telephone.’
One year ago today, Jenny “died” and Autostraddle was born.
This was a big week, with the second episode of In Your Box Office and interviews with both NOH8 frontman Adam Bouska and Dani Campbell and worldwide gender panic. You said funny things and we want you to know that we were paying attention.
Yes it’s that time again… what time? Time for our third Autostraddle Calendar Girl! Ladies, gents and otherwise-identified girl-lovin’ persons, meet Miss March!
The comment awards are back and we’ve got two weeks full of your sharp cheddar/wit that we’re ready to throw back at you because we love you more than cheese!