National Poetry Month: Lauren Zuniga Will Lull You Awake
“I just started working on a piece that’s a mash up of Neil Degrasse Tyson and Nicki Minaj.”
“I just started working on a piece that’s a mash up of Neil Degrasse Tyson and Nicki Minaj.”
Topics include underpaid cheerleaders, the “gig economy,” Circle Football, Rebecca Walker, heroin, sex ed, grad school, Upworthy and moar!
Ten important queer and feminist books coming this spring.
Scrawny female protagonists, experimental fiction, Wodehouse, sentence fragments and more.
No, I do not know Virginia Woolf’s official stance on bras. However, let’s put it this way: she wrote that a woman needed five hundred pounds and a room of her own to write fiction—not five hundred pounds, a room of her own, and an uncomfortable, expensive, and otherwise constraining undergarment. Enough said.
Topics include the Branch Davidian siege, women writing about sex, autism/disney, traveling while black, Cool Girls, endometriosis and more!
“Set in the land of deep-fried Christian morality, a natural tension is created in each one of the anthology’s 23 stories, making for a mostly sexy, sometimes terrifying, but always exceptionally-crafted read.”
Topics include Mobile Home U, Harriet the Spy, sanitary pads, tigers, Sherlock, fast fashion, Silicon Valley, the guy who made Flappy Bird and moar!
Gender and racial diversity in children’s books, talking about talking about race and sexuality in all types of books, why speed reading is stupid and more.
Craft “a salad of many herbs” for your reading and writing pleasure.
Topics include solitary confinement, the Barista class, the burrnesha of Albania, Back to the Future II, Swissair Flight 111, Dazed & Confused and so much more. Srsly this is a good one.
Computer-generated texts, working on trains, avoiding your book club, how critics fail writers of color and more.
Topics include Edie Windsor, Party Monster, anxiety, the prison hunger strike, sorority vs. lesbians, growing up in a missionary family, and moar!
The best stories fuck us up and force us to put ourselves back together in a new configuration.
It’s not up to just anyone. It’s up to sex workers to define their own destiny.
Topics include murder, addiction, ghosting for Julian Assange, masking, movie novelizations, Gitmo and more!
Novels in one sentence, “Hild,” libraries, queer poetry, semi-colons, classic literature reenacted by Lego, schools facing funding cuts for making students read queer literature and more.
“After flying 2,678 miles and over the Pacific Ocean, I realized that I was gonna have to rebuild my collection. But this time, it would be digital (and therefore move-proof).”
Topics include Sabrina the Teenage Witch, life after “The Real World,” Abercrombie, madness, 4chan and other things too complicated to describe in this little box!
You should celebrate Black History Month by reading all of these books right now.