Champlin High Avoids Drama: Lesbians Will Walk as a Couple at Snow Dance
Less than 24 hours after lawsuit filed, the school decides it’d probs make more sense just to let ’em walk. We still don’t know what anybody’s wearing, though.
Less than 24 hours after lawsuit filed, the school decides it’d probs make more sense just to let ’em walk. We still don’t know what anybody’s wearing, though.
There’s something for everyone this Sunday Funday – from Ugandan lesbian Brenda Namigadde who is safe at least for now from persecution in her home country, to a bronze bust of Sean Connery in Estonia. The world is full of wonderful things.
Oh look there’s another high school administration that’s discriminating against an out lesbian couple at a formal school dance. It’s like they’ve never seen Mean Girls, don’t they know school dances are about accepting difference and being cute?
The majority of Americans support equality on a variety of gay equality issues — the government just needs to catch up. A look at 2011’s gay marriage initiatives around the country and hope for the future.
Saturday night, Lance Lundsten, an 18-year-old high school student in Minnesota, reportedly committed suicide due to anti-gay bullying.
Gabrielle Giffords’ condition is rapidly improving, and hopefully soon she’ll be able to speak! Some officials want women to have more prospects in the military; Chris Colfer wants what’s best for Kurt, Jessie J on Gaga, sexy photoshoot interpretation of Lisbeth Salander, and Jackass does Black Swan.
Love gay bars, but hate gentrification? Join the club. Are they one and the same, or not so much?
The first-ever GLBT History Museum in the US is opening in San Francisco, and it is every kind of perfect. Also, gay divorce allowed in Texas, two lesbian priests married in Massachusetts, Lady Gaga has invented something insane and awesome, Jezebel helps you get drunk-dressed, and MARIO BATALI HORROR MOVIE.
Not all gay kids are depressed — and not all straight kids are happy. In The New York Times’ “Gay or Straight, Teenagers Aren’t So Different,” experts discuss new research and make salient points. This whole thing reminds me of “Pump up the Volume.”
How segregated is your city?
A dude in Michigan is facing felony charges for reading his wife’s email on their shared laptop. As if.
It’s hard out here for a lesbian in the job market but you know what? We make 6% more than straight women, because we’re badass.
What did you get for Christmas? Was it drunk? Maybe it was James Franco’s grandma. Say it was. We found the thumbnail for this article by googling “lesbian christmas,” so.
If you’re a teen lesbian, you might wanna consider getting the f*ck out of East Texas. Two high school softball coaches out a student to her mother, as well as providing her girlfriend’s name and contact information. Don’t worry, though, the school district is still “confident they handled it the right way.”
“I managed to convince her that it was the wad of $20s I had from selling books in my front left pocket (I dress left), and she radioed back that the “object had been identified” and let me go, but my hands did not stop shaking for a couple of hours.”
“My second husband committed suicide, and I did suicide jokes. You laugh to get through it. I started thinking about jokes while I was walking uptown on 9/11.”
It’s 2010, and Portia de Rossi just changed her last name to DeGeneres. How is bullying of gay kids in school really still a life-threatening problem? Finally, an actual expert gives you some answers.
Ceara Sturgis wore a bikini once, so why can’t she always wear a bikini/drape? Like hello for the yearbook. I don’t even understand how this is a viable defense so I had to ask our Legal Beagle.
The Czech Republic uses a “sexual arousal” test on gay men seeking asylum. And they aren’t the first ones. Time to get depressed about the state of the world/ history.
According to a study released earlier this week, young gays and lesbians who commit misdemeanors are up to three times more likely to be punished than straight people who do exactly the same thing.