NSFW Lesbosexy Sunday Is On Top
Femmes who strap on, a history of sex toys, where data fails in thinking about sex and more.
Femmes who strap on, a history of sex toys, where data fails in thinking about sex and more.
Plus The Shannara Chronicles blesses Eretria and Lyria with a happy ending.
People generally take a spoonful of cranberry sauce, at most, leaving behind a bunch of the sweet, tart, spiced deliciousness to get tossed in the trash. It always breaks my heart. I LOVE cranberry sauce and think it deserves better so I made this recipe to remedy this issue.
I helped myself find acceptance. But where do I go from here?
Black Friday Wildfang! Black Friday Deals J Crew! Black Friday H&M Deals. Black Friday Shopping Deals. Wow Black Friday deals for queers right here, what a day we are all having right now, what a time to be alive, what a time to go shopping!!!!!!
Mommi Mia, here we go again.
“I’m focused. I’m driven. I’m hydrated and independent.”
Women writers have friendships, too; women having control over their bodies; a poem from Eileen Myles and more.
Topics include being Midwestern, Second Life, restorative nostalgia, getting an abortion in South Dakota, Chuck E Cheese, Andrew Cunanan, Manson bloggers and so much more!
Whether you need company today, solidarity when it comes to family, or just someone to share memes with, we’ve got you covered. Get in here!
It is not a small thing for Y&R to cast Mariah’s love for Tessa in the same mold as one of the show’s great supercouples, Nick and Sharon. It’s a normalizing force for a conservative audience that might not view a same-sex story that way.
A sweet, exciting RPG that’ll give you warm fuzzy feelings and non-binary heart eyes for days.
I wonder why the story of a bisexual teenage boy is the one that allowed me to explicitly consider my identity as a bisexual adult woman for the first time.
Plus the full trailer for The Chi, another lesbian sports superstar, Demi on the red carpet with Danica Roem, and Sarah Paulson is as busy as ever.
Karolina finds herself at a horrible frat party, and something magical happens. She sees two women making out on the dance floor. She pauses, stares, transfixed. The scene captures that moment of knowing and not knowing something all at once.
Also, Lena Waithe met Obama, Sara Ramirez is trying to actually kill you and Lauren Jauregui sent you a flirtatious text message.
Take your gender treachery to the next level with these gifts for watching, reading, playing, and giving.
Kara has an unexpected visitor, Sam discovers more about her past, Alex is criminally underused, and Lena is MIA.
For Transgender Day of Remembrance, I went to the City of West Hollywood’s event and talked to some of the community and those elected to serve about what TDoR means to them, what they’re doing to fight for the living, and what we can do every day.
“There aren’t as many hairy, feminist lesbians as I was led to believe.”