7 Holiday Movies Ripe for Temporary Disassociation From All This, Ranked
The holiday season is upon us, and you know what that means!
The holiday season is upon us, and you know what that means!
Two weeks? Seven months? Twelve years? However long you’ve been together, we’ve got your gifting covered.
“I’m dating a woman. I’m bi.”
Also, Gaby Dunn’s incredibly gay teenage journal. Trust me.
A short list of my favorites, from sport to strapless to sexy time.
The teens finally use their powers together, and it’s magical.
We’ve got Lena Waithe’s “The Chi,” a lesbian assassin in a parallel universe in “Counterpart,” budding superhero Anissa Pierce and her girlfriend badass bisexual bartender Grace Choi, Anna Paquin on a virtual reality holiday gifted by her wife and so many other lesbian and bisexual characters on now or coming soon to a teevee or otherwise-identified device near you.
Does baking a cake for a gay person amount to being forced by the state to artistically express your personal support for gay weddings? Bizarrely, that’s kind of what the Supreme Court is being asked to decide.
“It reminds me of traditions I enjoyed as a child with my family, and it reminds me that I like my religion, and it reminds me that history is very long and humans are very resilient.”
The full force of Reign is unleashed and Supergirl goes face to face with her. Also Lena is back!
Kerry Washington will produce, and Rashida Jones will adapt and direct this into a franchise of movies.
Here’s what to get yourself, your girlfriend, the married couple you’re sleeping with, and everyone else at the play party — all for up to 50% off!
“I give myself the first hour I’m awake to lie in bed wishing I was still asleep and do the mental gymnastics necessary to get my feet on the floor. Sometimes it takes less than an hour and that’s great! Often it does not.”
Because tomboy femmes tend to hang out in a gray area, we can be hard to shop for. But worry no longer! Here’s the perfect gift guide for the tomboy femmes in your life.
Coffee gadgets don’t have to be expensive!
Tears are rain upon the blinding dust of earth or whatever.
Pieces that are easy to throw on and look good when little else is easy at all.
“I’m not sure if Cheryl wants to murder or make out with Josie, and that’s pretty much Cheryl Blossom in a nutshell.”
The 2018 gay agenda, Allison Ikley-Freeman on being the first out Oklahoma lesbian legislator, new queer feminist bookstore opens in the Heartland, an LGBT Bible app, letters from Your Holiday Mom, a queer aesthetic of Black Womanhood, and more!
How to win a breakup, why queer and trans people need to be part of discussions around birth control, erotic fanfiction, a first lesbian sex story and more.