The Top 10 Queer and Feminist Books of 2017
2017 has been pretty awesome for a ton of new queer and/or feminist things to read! Here are some of the best.
2017 has been pretty awesome for a ton of new queer and/or feminist things to read! Here are some of the best.
Whether you just got a short haircut, you’ve had one for many years, or you’re thinking about a change, this post might help you make sense of your mane.
Sister Rosetta Tharpe inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, Billie Jean King paved the way for openly gay tennis players, lesbian couples getting married in Australia, Alexandra Chandler would be first trans woman in Congress, Rosa Diaz: Bisexual Avenger, and a cute otter!
It would be the sweetest thing to gift your culinarily skilled loved ones with new swag for their kitchen.
Love as a series of small moments, how to be a better listener, why couples use babytalk, dating someone with sexual trauma and more.
Being miserable at your 9-5 job, your family isn’t wild about your fiancee and you’re embarrassed to get married, you’re not wild about your current roommate, and people think you might be related to your gal BUT YOU’RE NOT. Come on in!
“You know what I’m doing for the holigays? Absolutely NOTHING that I feel obligated to do!”
Two Things: First, I want nothing more than for you and your loved ones to start off 2018 being your best selves. Second, I checked this list. I checked it twice. Everything on it can still be delivered by December 25th (in case you are as much of a procrastinator as I am. No judgement! 2017 was hard, after all.)
Welcome to our virtual Autostraddle Holigay Meet-Up — I brought Nutella stuffed brown butter salted chocolate chip cookies!
Milk is not a sexy beverage.
“Look, this isn’t rocket science.”
LGBTIQ+ activists from around the world gathered to discuss the challenges and the solutions from the front lines around the world at OutSummit.
A day in the life of LGBTQ fashion/lifestyle/activist staple Anita Dolce Vita, who does more in a day than you would have thought possible.
Seals’ family called the 28-year-old Houston native a beautiful and loving person.
How the atmosphere is changing, literally and figuratively, in dangerous ways in Seattle’s historically LGBTQ Capitol Hill neighborhood.
Go forth and wreak havoc, my lil vixens!
Queer time moves differently than regular time; we’re on our own schedule; we exist outside the rigidity of the patriarchal space-time continuum.
The following eight memoirs, which deal with gender, food, writing, relationships and more, reflect soft femmes, tomboy femmes, chapstick femmes, and other femmes who aren’t all that femmey.
Plus a very wacky and exciting-sounding Harley & Ivy & Betty & Veronica crossover; PB and Marceline holding hands; a first look at Lena Waithe on Dear White People; and people won’t stop asking Kristen Stewart about that Charlie’s Angels reboot.