We Get to Keep a Thing We Won! New Jersey Will Start Marrying Same-Sex Couples On Monday
Couples across the state prepare to marry after the state’s highest court orders same-sex ruling must stand.
Couples across the state prepare to marry after the state’s highest court orders same-sex ruling must stand.
As victories are being won in the specific arena of LGB rights, trans* rights are still struggling to find a foothold. Due to this upsetting trend, and the historic erasure of trans* people’s contributions to the LGBT movement, many are left wondering if the “T” really belongs with those other letters at all.
Because hey, if you’re going to go there, you could at least be thorough.
Texas Sen. Wendy Davis announced she’s running for governor. Take that, Perry and Abbott!
So, let’s revisit what’s about to happen because the drunk old men running the US Congress won’t budge on sluts.
The governor’s office plans to appeal the ruling, but activists in the state are already celebrating.
“The three main implications are ‘Women are too weak to harm someone,’ ‘Lesbian rape is hot and it’s harmless. It’s not real.’ and ‘All rapists are men.”
Although no change in policy has been proposed, the Pope’s remarks further signal a significant departure in tone and style from predecessors.
What started in 2011 as an antitrust case between two pharmaceutical companies may now hinge on whether judges believe Abbott violated the rights of a gay man who was excluded from the jury.
The nation’s largest group of unions recently announced that it would be adding workplace protection for transgender people to it’s constitution in an effort to better represent all workers.
Commonwealth Court President Judge Dan Pellegrini granted the Pennsylvania Department of Health’s petition to stop Montgomery County Register of Wills D. Bruce Hanes from issuing licenses to same-sex couples.
Luckily there are other scouting alternatives for your kids!
State officials have cited marriage bans as defense for the decision, and federal facilities in each state will comply with the policy.
Aimi and Victoria Leggett wanted to have their son baptized into the Church of England but were rejected by the local vicar. Thankfully, the rest of the Church of England also thinks this is ridiculous.
San Antonio finally passes an updated nondiscrimination ordinance that protects LGBT individuals.
“There can be joy in killing joy. Kill joy, we can and we do. Be willful, we will and we are.”
In New Mexico, eight county clerks have seen the same-sex marriage licenses they’ve been issuing this summer upheld by the courts, and the same may happen soon in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.
Two Nicaraguan co-ops are doing the unthinkable: considering women’s domestic work on par with men’s work in the fields.
Hey, Ladies Married To Ladies, the IRS now recognizes your marriage! Let’s talk about what this means (and how to do your taxes from here on out)!
A Montana high-school teacher, Stacey Dean Rambold, convicted of raping a 14-year student, will be serving a total of 30 days as his sentence.