It’s The First Comment Awards of the Season, The First Comment Awards of the Year
The comment awards are definitely something we’re taking with us into 2012.
The comment awards are definitely something we’re taking with us into 2012.
The revelation of the 2013 Autostraddle Calendar Girls begins with Morgan!
It’s the last comment awards of the year!
It’s December. It’s cold outside but Miss December can heat things up. Except this calendar was shot in Los Angeles and it’s actually not very cold there right now, or ever.
This t-shirt would look really cute on you or really anyone you know. It’s that cute. It will probably sell out so GET ON IT.
How are you feeling today? That’s a real question.
Consider this a pick-me-up after unpleasant family experiences and/or the tragedy that is black Friday.
It’s the most wonderful time of the year to love yourself and Autostraddle at the same time with t-shirts, posters, and calendars! Plus SPECIAL BLACK FRIDAY DEALS!
“Today is a reminder that we all must take responsibility for combating transphobia.”
Hey! What did you eat for lunch today?
The 2012 Calendars are here! They’re here! Come take a look at our hardcover spiral-bound wire-hook-hanging way of keeping track of 2012 in style AND meet our November girls while you’re at it: Courtney and Steffanie!
This is the day all your dreams come true, if your dream is to be an Autostraddle calendar girl.
We need someone with WordPress/BuddyPress/CometChat experience to fix our shit — and this would be a good time for you to tell us how you use ASS and what changes you’d like to see.
Like the postal service, nor rain nor Internet outages will keep the comment awards from getting to you.
In which we share secrets and laughs.
..and all it has to offer: girls in cardigans, giant piles of leaves, and that delightful time when allergy season and flu season overlap.
Continuing our 2012 Calendar series with our video for September and October — meet Lily and Jessica!
Wouldn’t it be exciting if we got famous presenters every week to announce the awards?
You guys read ALL THE BOOKS.
Rabbit rabbit rabbit one day late.